''the shaaape!!!! the texture!!!'' I don't want to be mean, but wtf! Is she ****ing retarded? And at 3:10, it'd have been hilarious if he pulled out a pickle and did something with it. Why am I so cruel today?
cause you pwn... but srsly, ITS A ****ING PICKLE. Has a pickle ever hurt someone? Have they ever gone on a killing rampage? Like... OH EM GEE!!! ITS THE ****ING PICKLE!!! RUN!!! (Other person) I can't, I tripped, GO ON WITHOUT ME!!! (First guy) NOO!!!! He Has a Chainsaw!!! Mariah RUN!!!! rofl.... :lol:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE9llClgTqY&feature=related Honestly, I am watching all sorts of videos from this Maury show guy... surely all this is fake. Or else I lost my faith in humanity.
rofl same... that pickle episode got me watching all the other ones. Some people have retarded fears. Did you see the balloon one? She said she hates that they float... they might float to close to her, and she could end up dying for it lol...
No, I saw the cotton ball one, saying she "hates the noise they make" and that she dreams of a man made of cotton coming to kill her. If these fears are real though... well then it's just mean what they put them through, the humility... yet it is funny as hell.
Although its quite cruel what hes doing to them, cornering them with their greatest fears, they have to realize they have ridiculous fears, and hes right. Confronting it head on is the ONLY way to conquer a fear. Of course, its usually easier not on live TV in front of an audience laughing their ****ing heads off... but w/e....
sawz it already... that guys is huge, and yet he is afraid of peaches... :/ did you see this one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf8FQYv9lD4&feature=related? funny as hell...
Okay, that girl deserves to die. She calls herself a playa. More like a ****ing dumb ****. (forgive my manners) And, I'm just thinking, all that just can't be true. No one in this world is that dumb, and that stupid, and that ignorant. Either her mom didn't raise her right, or she's hanging out with the wrong people.
i hope she has a baby, just so that she will realize that she isn't going to be a good enough mother... lol then she'll sell it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jThs13NXDn8 You know, and if any of this is true, it's all the parents fault that raised her. A baby isn't born ****ing dumb like that. Her mom can't fix her now. She's gone bad now, and there's nothing that her mom can do. Shoulda fixed her while she still could. This TV show just wants audience, like any other, but uses cheap ways to get it. Damn you Maury Popovich. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/debates/44740-maury-popovich.html#post572878 Check the debate out.
None of it could possibly be real, they are all funny but so ridiculous. There is no rational reason to fear pickles and I don't believe anyone could be that irrational. And that dumb **** is probably just acting. Anyway, they still make me lol. Agreed E93, nobody is born that stupid.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdgExEkzMr8 lol they had bloods and crips on the maury show, i saw this and thought it was funny