Heres my friends epic splatter during rumble pit hammerzeit Also please go to the video and leave my friend a comment saying "wow nick nice splatter" here i want to freak him out And download the clip here : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
yes it is resix the two lol he was trying to splatter me but he missed and hit the poor guy behind the base lol
damn! haha. ive seen allot of these but that guy got taken out! That box was going so fast =D very nice-lucky hit =] Great capture
haha thanks he will and ill lol about that all day tomorrow at school Edit: Huntaro this isnt a find that was my friend i was at his house when he did it
but i made the video for him i was at his house when it happened and luckily i had my capture card with me or i wouldnt have made the video
Would you be willing to record a clip for me? I'm not able to use my cap card right now and I want to be able to post a clip.
Wow, Nick nice splatter! Really nice. One guy on youtube wrote "fake" lol. How to set up this? Try a million times until it works, what a waste of time... Lucky Nick. I wish I got sth. like this...