check your messages, I'm missing 5 points, as well as updated sex...lololol BTW I'll be breaking some maps soon, so sit tight...
I would like to take this oppurtunity to resign from the Guild lol. I don't have the time to make videos and I don't come here very often so I am just going to resign. If you break a really uber amazing featured map, I will film it. Or once in a little while I'll film a video but I will become very inactive in this. I doubt I'll be missed but nevertheless, toodles! lol -Th Kn1ght
actually they do you have to be an elite. EDIT: do all my breaks for this map count as one break or are all of them each a point
Ok guys, got one more version for ya. But this time I have a rule as to how you can break the map. NO ghost jumps. The ghost spawns in asymmetric games only, and as such, gives no advantage to someone outside of the map's limits (plus its ridiculously impractical). Here it is
great im looking forward to break this nao. ill be back with a long list of breaks. lol jk but seriously i will you should have been there when i broke maverick v2 in 3 different places
Map Name: Helvetica 1.1 Created By: LIGHTSOUT225 Broken by: KJI Myztic XO Number of exits: 1 Possibility of escape during game: Not likely, considering it is out in the open. Film location: [Youtube] The # (non featured) of maps you have broken: This is my 6th The # (featured) of maps you have broken: 1
i fixed the other side, but not that one. ill look into it thanks. any other breaks? And no, no vehicle jumps
If you need anybody to film like a really good break or something, let me know. I would be happy to film for like the elite featured maps or any maps by Premium members. The time to do tons of videos has escaped my though so I won't be able to do too many.
Lights you need to get rid of that power drain because i got out of the map 16 different ways with the power drain. So i would suggest getting rid of it.
gosh dang it sage your always a step ahead of me i broke it with the power drain. jeez i hate you. i dont say he should remove it. just keep it not many people play as elites anyways so you wont have much of a problem with people breaking it.
i actually found more than 16 just the 16 were the most practical. I actually found 22 different ways out.
wow good luck with that lights, jeese the power drain can really take a beating on the integrity of you map. what are your plans?
well since shiska pretty much doesn't know about the power drain jump, im gonna let it go and see if it passes. If not, he'll let me know and I'll take it out. shhhh dont say anything
Map Name: Munition V2 Created By: Mikeblair333 Broken by: DarkDragon Number of exits: 1 Possibility of escape during game: 7/10, as all you need is a frag and the ability to crouch-jump Film location:Here The # (non featured) of maps you have broken: 5 The # (featured) of maps you have broken: 0 (sadface) I R BACK!!!
broke it you see the man cannon against the wall that blocks the view of the right side room thing well the man cannon thats in the connerish drive at it correctly and then it launches you along the wall til you are at the 2 doors then you get out of the mongoose and you are shot through the wall