MLG Underground

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by DeathstarsOG, Oct 30, 2008.


After playing on it, how would you rate this map?

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  1. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    MLG Underground v1.0

    MLG Underground V1.1

    After my last map i started right away on another MLG project. With many ideas running through my head on what i wanted i decided to go with this design. If your still reading this and havent skipped ahead to the pictures than a big "thanks" goes out to you. ​

    The design started with a single thought....Underground. I wanted to design a map like other profesional maps. And i got to thinking about all my favorite maps. Most of them have a large underground such as Gaurdian, Blackout and Narrows. Narrows being the only Symetrical of the three. So i decided to make a Foundry map with that strong point in mind.​

    I've put well over 40 hours and atleast 5 packs of smokes into this map with many changes in layout in between. With just under 20 geomerges and virtually everything interlocked with it's neighbor i am finally happy. This map is NOT budget glitched however i did use every last penny and wish i had atleast another $40 for some more aesthetics but oh well.​

    This map was 100% made by me. However i would like to thank CitizenOpeth for helping me get creative and set up the spawns.​

    This map supports MLG Team/FFA CTF, Slayer, Oddball and KOTH.​

    This map supports 2-8 players.​

    10 BR's - 10 sec.
    2 Carbine's - 90 sec.
    1 Mauler - 60 sec.
    6 plasmas - 30 sec.
    10 Frags - 30 sec.
    1 Custom PowerUp - 120 sec.​

    Onto the pictures:
    Here is an Over view of Top Mid. As you can see it has a cross in the middle which is the universal symbol for health. There you'll find a custom power up for 3X overshield.​

    Here's a closer picture of the Custom. To get it you must fall down the hole from the top or possibly jump on a friends head from the bottom. This hole leads from the highest point down to the center of the underground where you'll land on a Mauler.​

    Here's another view panned out a little to see the depth of the power up.​

    Here is an overview of A side. Callouts would be A1 and A2 to signify levels.​

    Here's a view of B1 and B2. Pay attention to my spartan in the top right corner when viewing the next picture.​

    In game view down from blue side to red flag. The next picture shows a closer look of the red flag.​

    An overview of red flag.​

    Blue Flag Corner. With plenty of cover a sneaky Spartan can make from one base to another unscathed with a multitude of ways to get there.​

    Here's a view of B side overlooking Blue side.​

    A better view of A side overlooking Red side.

    This is a view of the two entrances from the back of each base side. The openings are on both sides of the Geo'd double box.​

    A closer look from B1 at the opening to the underground. It is the same on A1.​

    A view of the Underground. Alot of action will go down here, even more so in objective games.​

    This pictures shows where Oddball spawns. There is one next to the A sign like the picture above and another Ball spawn on the other side next to the B sign. (Having 2 spawn locations was inspired by Narrows.) Mauler will spawn inbetween at the very center of the map.​

    A view now of me entering the underground(bottom mid) to get into the Hill.​

    Hill controll over A2's shoulder. (A2 and B2 are home of the carbine)​

    I hope that is enough pictures to get your tastes buds going. I took as many as i thought were neccessary. Please take the time to Download and rate the map as i have spent alot of time crreating it and bringing it here for your critique/enjoyment. If anything is off or out of place, speak up and let me know so i can repair it quickly. Please also check out MLG Dead Zone(link in sig) for more of my MLG creations.​

    NOTE: I have two gamertags. DeathstarsOG and Deathstars85. Just put that out there for those of you who are wondering about a discrepency of the file author.​

    v1.0 update changes:
    Removed 4 of the frag grenades and two of the stickies. Also the map was easily breakable in the two corners of B side through the window panels which is now fixed. Please DL V1.0 for the repairs to the original.

    v1.1 Update changes:
    -Dumpsters at flag and opposing courtyards were swapped with the stairs from the bottom A and B sides.
    -Mauler was replaced with a plasma pistol to counter the OS right above it.
    -Two hills that were on top platform have been moved. New location is bottom A side and bottom B side.
    -A double box was re-geo'd as it left an opening for grenades to fall through.
    -Spawns were tweaked along with respawn area changes.

    #1 DeathstarsOG, Oct 30, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2008
  2. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    The map is very well designed and creative. I personally like the crouching part down there. But i have the feeling that the mauler person could camp there. Also, I think you could have geomerged those boxes at the ground. They aren`t are they? Anyways really nice map.
  3. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    Well actually the bottom center is not as low as it appears. You do not have to crouch at all when you run through there. It's like the opening of a single open box. And the only time you'll get someone camping with a mauler there is on KOTH, but it's easy to get him out if you don't just run in after him.
    As far as geomerging those four boxes, it would mess up the top level if i did since they are used as part of the floor.
  4. The Sock Man

    The Sock Man Ancient
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    Simply beautiful. It seems to promote incredibly fast paced gameplay, the interlocking is flawless, great map design, the list goes on for a while. I love what you did with the center of the map, it's creative and fills it's purpose perfectly.

    My only criticism is the custom powerup. That's a no-no on MLG Foundry maps, if I remember correctly.
  5. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    wow this is really good nice layout... hope u put this in the forge like a pro comp... nice look and feel really good i think this could be in MM..... nice interlocking and geo merging looks pretty smooth keep forgeing
  6. matman2540

    matman2540 Ancient
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    I think you need to play MLG in MM. You have some weapon/equiptment not allowed in MLG. 3.5/5
  7. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    The only thing on this map that is even controversial is the custom power up. I play plenty of MLG and know the rules thouroghly. Please name somethiing else on here that breaks MLG rules/standards to warrent your 3.5/5? Have you even played the map? I added the custom powerup knowing it would be controversial, but with it's positioning i believe it is very balanced for either team and therefore should create no problem. If someone could show me the rule book from MLG where it says no custom powerups on Foundry, i will more than happily take it out.

    It is already entered in the forge like a pro contest and i hope it does well. I'd hope for a feature before i even thought about matchmaking. I have some more ideas going through my head and i can almost gaurentee i'll add atleast one more map in the "FLAP" contest. Thanks for the input

    Update. Check the first post at the bottom for full details. Please re-DL the map from the link in the first post.
    #7 DeathstarsOG, Nov 1, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2008
  8. LRT Skittles

    LRT Skittles Ancient
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    MLG Underground is amazing.
    Great Job 5/5
  9. ITz PluMpY

    ITz PluMpY Ancient
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    Simply Amazing
  10. prepare4legend

    prepare4legend Ancient
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    hey this is an excellent idea but some helpful critism wud be there cannot be a custom power up on mlg and, it doesnt really look symetric or mlg style, but i downloaded it and ill check it out, but if u look at like amplified or onslaught or other mlg maps there is usally two bases, two sides with acces to centerpeice and then there is alot of open space otherwise. mlg is supposed to be for open space brs
  11. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    You, sir, are an idiot =D. MLG isn't about open spaced Br fights, it's about competitive and balanced game play. This fine sir here took a hell a lot of time to create a map that is stunning. It is awfully creative and well thought up. I really liked the Geomerging that you used in the wall ramps and the underground part is pretty tight. The map does look pretty good, so I have to hand you a 5/5. Great job and keep showing off your forging skills.
  12. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    Great job. I love the general idea of the map as well as the whole design and features. It looks completely balanced and well made. This would be a map I would recommend for matchmaking play along with custom games. This would be a utility undeniable to Bungie's success. I suggest you request this be put in the MLG list in matchmaking to Bungie. You are a good forger and should keep at it. Everything looks very well made and cleanly interlocked and geo-merged.

    I also disagree with Prepare4legend MLG maps are created for balanced competetive gameplay. It's about using the map's geometry for your benefit. Not just open spaced gameplay. MLG is for people who want to maximize their strategies and thinking processes not just their aim with a BR. Also, MLG is for utilizing your own talents as well as team work, in which this map looks very effective.

    Again this map looks very fun to play. I really look forward to seeing what you do in the future. That is if you can top this map, which looks very hard to do. Good luck. And I was serious about the Bungie thing. You should try to get it approved into the system. Great job, now I'm going to go play the map.
  13. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    I wouldn't call him an idiot, thats kinda harsh. Some people just don't know. Anyways, those geo'd double boxes took a long time to perfect. I'd say about 1.5-2 hours each but they look amazing so it was worth the extra time.

    I would love to get a map in matchmaking, not really sure how to go about it other than the ATLAS thing, but i'm pretty sure thats not gonna support MLG rules. As far as it being picked up by MLG, i doubt it. I did however enter it into the FLAP contest and hopefully it does well. As far as topping this map, i have two other maps being worked on right now. One i just finished designing and the other i'm about 25% complete forging. And i believe both of there layouts are much more original and creative than this one so only time will tell i guess.
  14. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    Now this is an f'in good MLG map.Your geomerging is awesome as is your interlocking skills.I really admire the whole layout. Do you slide down the hole with the custom power-up in it?
  15. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    Thank you for the positive feedback, and yes, the custom powerup is located in a hole from the top that reaches the bottom.

    EDIT: Wow, i just noticed someone rated it a 2/5 stars. That person wanna confess and give a valid explanation?
  16. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I really like this map! At first I thought that the underground area would be kinda empty. But after playing a few rounds with my friends I found out that a lot of action really does go on down there, and it is best to keep the map how it is! 10/5 Stars! (Naw, you only get 5/5. But you would get 10/5 if I could!)

    Everytime I find a great map like this one I always forget to ask the creator my question! That question is this: Did you make the map alone?

    I always try to make maps alone, because all of my friends kinda... suck at forging. But I can never seem to finish a map and it seems that all of the good maps that get feutered (Mind The Spelling!) were made with more then 1 person, and then tested by another group of people. Would it be possible if somebody from Forgehub helped me make a map, then test it? I don't want to be part of the crowd anymore, I wanna be part of the band! (LOL)
  17. OverLoad

    OverLoad Ancient
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    The only real problem that I could see die hard MLG players having is the grenade factor underground seeing as how the double boxes arent geomerged. But otherwise fantstic map! 9.2/10
  18. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    I made 99.5% of this map by myself, but i did have some help laying down spawns and design of the bases which i referenced in my first post.
  19. RogueFIST

    RogueFIST Ancient
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    I agree completely with DeathstarsOG. I play MLG and know the rules. If you can show a rulebook specificaly saying "No custom powerup on Foundry" Then it should be removed, otherwise i think this is a fantastic map. Great job, i look forward to playing it 5/5
  20. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    hey dude this map is TIGHT, i love it *gay moment* now onto the more serious stuff.. OMG OMG OMG THIS MAP IS SICK the interlocking and geo-merging is sweet and the weapon layout is really good, one thing though, i know you said the powerup was controversial, put everyone's minds at rest and change it to a camo, or an overshield if that's what u were going for, but overall 4.77777777777777777777777777777/4.8 (i'd dl but i cant play my Xbox due to my extreme forging skills in forging signatures!) umm yea


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