Gamertags like "Tizoxic" or "Sizick".........What do they mean? Can anyone tell me? Is it something like Toxic iz sick or something? Because I might change my GT again.
I would thing it is something like "foshizzle." Kinda like Mastar said. I've been thinking of taking the "I" out of my G/T. Not really a fan of stuff like that. That to, lol.
Name like that mean that the person who made them is actually a tall wight skinny kid, whos bad-ass online. No but seriously I hate names like this, I want to change my name but I can't think of anything.... argh.
One of my friends changed his to SiicK I AmPeD and every time he signs in I swear it says Sick I Am a Ped and I'm like WTF?
It's pretty clear that he took a word that he thought was cool and edited it to make it cooler or more original. I did it with my username. I took a something I though was pretty cool and changed it due to varying facts. The process was this: 1. The word. For me, I got Dark Belra. 2. Shorten it or make it easier to edit. I got Belra. 3. Change any part with another letter. I got Telra. I used 'T' as it is the first letter in my name. 4. Think of any ways to improve it. I got the 'D' in 'Dark' and put it at the end. Telrad. 5. Continue adding letters or removing them to make it better. Telraid. For him, he started with Toxic and just thought is Toxic. Tisoxic. Tizoxic.
I did that with my previous GT I started with Anarch Then I wanted to make it look cool, so I made it Anarck Next my partner changed his name to Monarck We changed our clan name to Princes of Arck Then somebody said we played so well, it was like we were one in the same So I imagined what we would be called if that happened So I came up with Exarck He changed his name to Dexarck, using our new clans first letter Then I retired Exarck and became Sins. The End.
Well GT like "Tizoxiz" just sound cool, and are fun to say. And maybe they stand for "T iz sick" Same thing goes for my GT - IB u IN N ii You may say, why couldn't you just make it Bunny, because the spelling just makes it look kewl (Or at least I think it looks kewl...)
lVlLGpRok$14sh0tbRsn1p3s < Coolest name ever lol. (kidding) MLG Pro KSI 4-Shot BR Snipes Lol, had to post that. My friend's GT was I G4RB4G3 because he sucks lol.
Okay here's a message to all you guys who might post in this thread...hopefully: Is it okay if I change my gamertag to FizATaL? Or maybe FizaTaL, lol just capitalization. What do you think about it?
The Texan83 Short, simple and descriptive. Best you can ****ing get, to bad you cunts missed out lol.