
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by mastersync23, Nov 12, 2008.

  1. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Uh, my latest map...

    I thought of the wierdest, cool sounding name, and came up with...


    Assault Rifle x1
    Magnum x1
    Plasma Pistol x1
    BR x6
    Sniper Rifle x1
    Carbine x2
    Spiker x2
    SMG x2
    Brute Shot x1
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Shotgun x1

    Plasma Grenades x9
    Frag Grenades x4
    Spike Grenade x1
    Bubble Shield x1
    Power Drain x1
    Trip Mine x1
    Regenerator x1
    Deployable Cover x1

    So, yeah.
    It plays with 2v2, FFA Slayer, and FFA KOTH.
    Here's the map. I have tested it three times. I hope you like it.


    Back of main structure:

    Sniper and Mongoose spawns, and entrance to the Shotty tunnel:[​IMG]

    Shotty, and Spiker tunnel:

    Underneath the main bridge:

    Looking down the main bridge:

    SMG tunnel:

    BR, Bubble Shield, Frags, and me!

    So, yeah. That's basically it. It plays pretty well, I hope to make a v2, and I've run out of stuff to say. I hope you enjoy the map.

  2. RogueFIST

    RogueFIST Ancient
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    I think its a pretty good map. Aesthetically its not the best, and it is a bit open, but it is a fresh idea. Good job, you can only get better! 3/5
  3. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cheers for the positive feedback. I was a little rushed to post it. But, yeah, as I said, a v2 is on the way. Thanks for posting.
  4. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    This map has some good ideas in it. I understand you may have left it a bit open to compensate for the mongoose, but a little side cover wouldn't hurt (nice little something for your V2). I would also clean it up a bit for aesthetics; also, you should put another layer of walls to block off the back part, and straighten it up a bit.

    This looks like it could be a pretty good map, even if it is somewhat basic. I will await your second version.
  5. PheonixAssassin

    PheonixAssassin Ancient
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    Im loving the main structure but the rest is plain and crappy maybe you should keep the structure and do another one parrelel to it
  6. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    it looks alright. honestly, u shouldnt put a mongoose because theres not really a point for one on a 2v2 or FFA. its also open and i dont see much asthetics.
    i hope in the v2 theres more cover, and its cleaner. the central structure is nice and the tunnels are cool.
  7. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    Sweet design but Opus come on. To me that an immature name. I nearly didn't look at the map cause of it. But other than that 4/5 because of an awesome, original, design. But I suggest changing the name no doubt about it.
  8. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    Without testing your map, I can see two problems. First, you have only one structure. Just having one structure decreases immensely to how your map plays. What you want to do with v2 is add some minor structures along the sides of your maps, so that there isn't just a bunch of empty space on the edges. It seems like you had a though about the open space with mongooses placed, but since you can't fire while shooting and there is only one place to go(the structure), they are kind of pointless. Along with making other structures maybe you can add a ghost or something, or leave the mongooses if the ghost would dominate too much.

    Your second problem is that you placed all this:
    Assault Rifle x1
    Magnum x1
    Plasma Pistol x1
    BR x6
    Sniper Rifle x1
    Carbine x2
    Spiker x2
    SMG x2
    Brute Shot x1
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Shotgun x1

    Plasma Grenades x9
    Frag Grenades x4
    Spike Grenade x1
    Bubble Shield x1
    Power Drain x1
    Trip Mine x1
    Regenerator x1
    Deployable Cover x1
    so close together. It's just one big armory basically and armories detract immensely from gameplay because you don't have to work for the weapons at all.
    Correct me if I'm wrong because I'm just going by the pics.
    Keep trying and improving and I look forward to seeing your next map.
  9. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Actually, when play-testing it, I couldn't even find ammo for my BR. I couldn't remember where I put it. Anyway, it's actually all spaced out well. And, the top area is accessible, for a crappy sniper position, or a quick piece of cover. It's not too bad. If you would like, I could play it with you in four hours? I'm at school right now. And, as for Opus being a gay name, type it on Google Images without safe search. Nice. And I did say it was a random name.
  10. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    I'm actually working on an annotated bibliography for a paper I'm writing, so I don't think I can today, maybe another time. Did you get the part about adding some other structures though, cause I think if you add some surrounding structures it'll improve your map. Also for the next post, try either mapping the map out so we can see the overview, or just take a side on picture. I'll get a hold of you maybe tomorrow to test out the map with you. Let me know if that works.

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks ok but a little messy. i say to just clean it up alittle and u should be good. nice map u have some real potential and keep it up.
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Looks to me like you just have a basic layout of a map, it doesnt look completely finsihed, there are parts where cover is needed a lot more.
    Also flip the bridges over on v2
    looks good
  13. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Yeah, the bridges actually are flipped from where there seen from. It's like a chamber. Also, I've been working on v2, and I've been getting ideas. So, for anyone who's waiting, Opus v2 is coming.
  14. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    I bet i could break it unfortunately, pretty easy. might want to fix it.
    If you need help invite me on your friends list on xbox live and ill help you out.
    GT: Chief wiggum 00
  15. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Hey, uh, speaking of breaking it, in the v2 I'm fixing a few things, and if you could help, I would really appreciate it.
  16. SK Caboose rvb

    SK Caboose rvb Ancient
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    Looks very instresting, do you mind if i DL and edit and turn this into an infection map? it looks like it would be pretty fun with fat kid ;]
  17. Phoenix 032995

    Phoenix 032995 Ancient
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    Uh, map looks decent though nothing on this maps jumps out and makes me say wow. Dont be afraid to add asthetics, OK? 3.5/5

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