GYgNoK- Download All GameTypes Welcome Random name there is some interlocking done Weapons 6 Brs 12 magnums 2 maulers 4 spikers 2 carbines 1 shotgun 1 rocket launcher 2 snipers 2 beam rifles 4 smgs frags &plasmas 1 camo 1 bubble shield 2 regens Pictures Overview overview 2 yellow base walk-up red base walk-up Middle battle area sniper spawn >> a base shotgun spawn
2 Beam Rifles and 2 Sniper Rifles? Wow, thats too much man. I suggest deleting the 2 Beam Rifles and put 1 Sniper on each side. The middle part is good, but I see some crooked walls. Also try to put more cover on where the truck is.
yeah i thought about taking out the beams but i like the map need to test it sometime i think it will be a great map to play flag and bomb and stuff
Soz but i have to say it, its a bit shotty. 2 many power weapons, crooked walls, no interlocking. Edit and make a v2. v2 could be quite good if you do it well
there is interlocking a map dont have to be perfect though i was just i never do any major interlocking until i get cnc how the is layd out and stuff like that sorry i know its sloppy and well it would be if it was made very quickly i like the design i just need to make it neater inter locking :OPO and can you actually view map in xbox to see how well it looks like the layout and play a game or two maybe
Some of the weapons are excessive, although it seems like a good map for CTF or Bomb. With a little tweeks on looks and weapon placement, I think this will be a great map
The map has a good idea and i do see you choose to interlock.I like the concept of indoor maps but i think you should fix this alittle and make a v2.Other than that nice map
Ya 2 snipers plus 2 beam rifles is to much. but the rest of the map is good 4/5. A v2 would be nice tho since it needs a few upgrades like I see some crooked walls and stuff but the rest is good. Keep on forging.