For some reason the edit wouldn't work so i made a new post for my map towards the bottom of the thread. You'll find all my info and map there.
Here let me help you. To post pics here, first save the high res versions of your pics to your computer. Then go to Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket and make an account. Then on your page go to where it says upload. Pick the pictures you want to upload. After they are done copy the code that starts with
Just because it has the same name, it doesn't mean he directly stole it from your map, and that is a ridiculous claim to make.
Yes, whenever people say OMG u stole my map name or OMG u stole my idea bish! that really gets on my nerves. and you don't wanna get on my bad side motha ucka
Welcome to ForgeHub. It appears that you are unfamiliar with the standards of this site. Any questions?- visit the FH Customer Service. Also, it appears you haven't a clue on how to embed screenshots; if so, please visit here.
no one needs to say anything more about the lack of pictures in this thread. he has been informed, and doesn't need to be again. Any further mentions of it will result in an infraction. And if you are too lazy and did not read this post, tough. As for the map name, there are tons of maps with the same names.. however, if you 2 have the same map name, you BOTH spelled it incorrectly anyway, and Creep1ng De4th forged Requiem months and months ago anyway so he beat both of you to the punch.
No, you can edit this post. Just go to edit at the bottom of the post and click "go advanced". From there you can edit everything as if you were making a brand new post.
Requiem Requiem Created by Prophet Opeth Supported Gametypes: Team KotH and Team Oddball Map Description Requiem is a fast paced, multi team objective map. Each team spawns with 2 players, allowing 2v2. I utilized interlocking and symetry. _________________________________________________ Overview of the 1st Level (roof removed) Overview of the 2nd Level and Oddball spawn (roof removed) Example of the spawn room for a team (4 in total) Hallway outside of each spawn (4 in total) Example of an entrence to the center room (4 in total) Example of the Hill spawns at each corner (4 in total) The center room Hill spawn The 2nd Level Hill spawn _________________________________________________ Hopefully you enjoy playing my fast paced, close quarters map and constructive criticism is taken into consideration. Download
this looks like an awesome map from what i see, it looks ULTRA-symmetrical. i like how it is set up for four teams and that you accually took your time on this, unlike many first-posters. 4/5 in my book!
i've seen some of these first posters that you hint of and new i couldn't do that to forgehub. i've been forging for a while so this is pretty basic for me, but thanks.