Debate Teenagers who commit violent crimes (Please comment)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by whitehalo3, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. whitehalo3

    whitehalo3 Ancient
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    Should teenagers who commit violent crimes be tried as juveniles or adults? Why? Can we rehabilitate these young people to prevent future criminal behavior?

    Please comment
  2. Pyridoxamine

    Pyridoxamine Ancient
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    Debate section.
  3. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    this should be a debate.
  4. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Now that it's a debate, =p, I think they should be tried as adults depending on how severe the crime is. In some cases, should be tried as juveniles.
  5. M715ForLife

    M715ForLife Ancient
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  6. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Ha ha, lol. Off with their heads... Yes, they should receive any sentence that an adult would get if it is something like murder. This crap with kids killing babies and hobos is to far.

    Their parents should not argue, they should be ashamed if their child is getting sent to jail for life. ASHAMED! Slap the kid across the head if he curses once.

    Don't let him play M rated games at a young age (Below 13)

    Tell him over and over again about consequences.

    The parents should also be trialed for their child's consequences.
  7. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    We should all do what Good old Texas did and add a exspress lane onto death row if the crime is bad enough and as for juveniles being tried as adults it really depends on the matter of the crime and how serious it was and if the convicted has any remorse for the crime.
  8. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    I don't think they should. It actually matters on the crime for me.
  9. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    In some cases, yes. Things like theft and threats should be treated as if an adult committed the crime. I'm not saying like stealing a pack of gum, but significant crimes should be treated with harsher penalties. That way, kids know even they are not so immune from the law. I mean come on, if a kid is going around committing big crimes, they need to be stopped and taught a lesson.

    But I don't know what to say about giving them the death penalty. I don't think the death penalty is necessary at all, because it is just "legal murdering". I'm more of a "life in prison" advocate. However, I don't think that life-long sentences suit young people. After all, they are learning and not yet fully developed. The parents should hold some of the blame too, because they ought to be more responsible.
  10. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I think that they should be tried in a manner fitting the crime. As to whether they can be rehibilitated, that should be for a psychologist to study. Professionals are the 1st line of defense.
  11. SPARTANZ77

    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
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    i think the following murder=adult gang violence=juvenile
  12. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I believe part of the issue, maybe even the majority, lies in the hands of the parents. Often times, parents worry too much about "hurting" their children when they forget the coined phrase, "tough love." Sure, no one agrees with beating your kid with the nine tails and a mace, but punishment is absolutely necessary, if you want to raise a respectful and well-mannered child.

    I guess this is my mini-rant about how f***ed my generation is because of parents who failed at being parents. I'm sorry, but if you put more time into your beer buddies than your child, then you deserve a harsher punishment than 50% of the imprisoned individuals right now. The human heart is built to do bad things. When's the last time you just happened to donate to breast cancer research? It doesn't work like that. One must make a noble effort at greatness in order to achieve it. As a child, your mind is quite limited, and you don't always see the correct way. If parents are too busy with trivial crap, they can't be there to help their child be a good person.

    Meh, obviously the child should be punished, if it's anything serious. If he's sacrificing farm animals or robbing the elderly, he needs to earn his reproach. Otherwise, set him right, but don't ruin his life over a Snicker bar.
  13. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    This gets taken too far too often, though. From a recent story involving an 8 year old boy who killed his fater...

    Are you kidding me? It's being suggested that an 8 year old be tried as an adult??? That's retarded for any reason. He won't even remember the incident when he's older.
  14. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Just read that article, bro. I pity that child. Either way, no eight year old can consciously and willfully commit such a crime. Even if intentional, the kid must've definitely been dealing with some outside issues that go much deeper than a news article can cover. An adult, though? Paaleeze!

    That's just bullocks!
  15. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    I honestly think that teenagers who commit violent crimes should be treated like any other adult how commit some of those crimes. It was their choose that they committed the crime so they do the time.
  16. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Though, the same cannot be said of an 8 year-old.
  17. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    True. But, 8 years old is pretty close to when you can make your own chooses. Of course he wont go to jail, but I think they should require him to take counseling or something.
  18. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I honestly couldn't comment, as I don't know the particular situation. What I read was that he was taught to use guns by his father. His father apparently emphasized this "training" as teaching the child not to fear weapons, or something to that tune. For all we know, the father and his friend (the victims) could've put the child in a position in which he had no choice. Remember, we do live in a world where it's more popular for an adult to commit a crime against an 8 year-old than the opposite.

    Either way, I think it's sad that the police are pushing for a child who is legally a decade below the "adult" age to be tried as an adult. It's just sad.
  19. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Kids can overreact easily, so it's best to keep any weapons away from them. They don't think of the consequences right away, so they make rash decisions like that 8 year old. I would put some blame on the parents for keeping weapons in the reach of children. And while I don't think an adult penalty should apply to the kid, I agree with DarkKnight that he needs counseling and some lesser punishment.
  20. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Counseling seems like it could really screw the kid up, though. Seriously, what happens, if the child's decision was no different than what you or I would've done? He's told through {X} years of counseling that something's "wrong" with him. He's lead to believe that he's mentally unstable or something of the like. That could end up being incredibly unfair to someone who could've likely reacted just like any sane person would.

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