So welcome back I just made progression and now i just finished Down sight. This is a map just in the hallways of fooundry and i know it has been done a hundreds of times but i want to know what u guys think of it. The recommended game types are team ball or slayer. best with 2v2 anymore people than 4 will be a living disaster. Weapon list: 4x smgs 2x swords 2x snipers 2x brs 1x bubble shield 2x power drains 4x stickis 2x plasma rifles this map took me$about 40 minutes to make because it was so small to make. now for the pictures: this is the o best overview of the map that i could get the red base overview the blue base overview the sword and smgs spawn they spawn on both spawns the sniper spawn it also spawns on both sides br spawn and stickies plasma rifle spawn the awesome ball spawn 5 dolla for the odd shaped ball the awesome scenery on both sides of the map so that is all for now so just play it, look it over, and leave replies and rep please!! heres the link: DOWNLOAD HERE
Cool map!!! You dont find maps like this much any more. But wouldn't that central shield door screw things up a little. Never mind that 4/5
^ Wrong! ^ I'm sorry but this idea has been done many times before. And sword & Ball + sheild doors = extreme camping. i like how much cover and scenary you added. Even though this has been done before many times before i love these maps. Keep Forging! Ps. No offence gun down.
the back ally way isnt that original. but the actual map is okay. only1 complaint, u shouldnt put a shield door on a small map with a sword. its TOTALLY unfair! the shield door almoost completely defeats the purpose of a sniper. 2/5. this map might need some revamping EDIT: i also dont see the point of a bubble shield in the middle of the shield doors
This has been done many, many times, and this one is just average. it looks a little too clogged, and incredibly easy to camp with the oddball at one end of the hallway. overall, it doesn't look like it has good gameplay.
Camping looks like a major problem in this map. I like the idea even though like you said it has been done many times before. Make a v2 and delete the shield doors and that'll help a lot. good job on the map though! 3/5
yeah i know there will be camping but i just wanted ur guyses opinions and now i will make a version 2 with no buble shields or shield doors. well i raised the shield doors for a purpose
who knows how the gameplay will turn out, but aesthetics are smothered in winsauce. I'm making a map kind of like this right now, but everything is geomerged... i'll download and see how gameplay turns out, nice map 3.75/5
The shield doors are placed nicely so you can't camp. There seems to be ample cover on this map, but it seems a bit small for two swords. The bubble shields also promote camping, so I would recommend putting just one maybe. The power drains don't seem like they would be too great in such a close-quarters map. Also, the snipers should have no spare clips as well (they don't, right?). Sorry if that was all a bit harsh and a lot. But I see some potential in this map, and it looks nicely merged with good cover. A version 2 wouldn't hurt at all.
Well i applaud you for at least making a what looks like a semi-decent map given what you had to work with. these would be my suggestions: as everyone else said, lose the sheild doors and bubble sheild, also lose the swords. lose the sniper rifles also, it's easy to camp with those. i would basically stick with duals as those will have the best balance in that small map, but not the mauler. maybe even have like pistols start? idk.
yes im definetly going to make a v2 and take out the shield doors and bubble shield maybe the swords. but i did this on a unlimited money map and i deleted everything outside so i dont know what i have to work with. but i will do my best. v2 coming in a couple days cause my halo disk got scratched so i dont know when it will be done but u will see it up and running.
over all ok, the only thing i would say is that a sniper in a confined coridor map like this one can be a really overpowering weapon, especially at a bottleneck like the part with the shield doors. just a thought. and welcome to forge hub
This map looks pretty nice but you can probably spawn kill and such.I've seen this idea before but not for oddball.Pretty nice map
Yes im definately going to make a v2 and extend outside the hallway. but i think im going to leave the sniper. im going to take out the shield doors and the bubble shield and also the swords. like i said i made this on an unlimited money map and i deleted everything outside of the map. so im going to have to remake the whole map and I will try to make it better than it was before. thanx for your opinions and ideas
this actually looks pretty damn good if i do say so =D WAY WAY better than other hall maps! And just the prefect amount of cover! Great map dude! 4/5 =]
so sould i move this map to casual or what? V2 is under construction right now and im extending it ot of the hallway, took out the shield doors, and the bubble shield. it will be done soon.