A teenager has changed his name to Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined. The record-breaking name, now thought to be the world's longest, was the idea of music graduate George Garratt, 19. He changed his name by deed poll online for £10 last week. Captain Fantastic said: "I wanted to be unique. "I decided upon a theme of superheroes." Captain Fantastic joins a number of people with unusually long names, including Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanisquatsiuth Williams, a girl born in Texas in 1984. The teenager, from Glastonbury, Somerset, added that while he thought the new name was "crazy", his grandmother was no longer speaking to him. Last month in Italy, a couple was banned from naming their son Friday - Venerdi - because the name could expose him to ridicule. Named after the manservant of Daniel Defoe's famous novel Robinson Crusoe, the court ordered the boy's name be changed to Gregorio, named after the saint's day on which he was born. In February, a judge in New Zealand made a young girl a ward of court so she could change her name from Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii. Other banned names include Sex Fruit, Keenan Got Lucy and Yeah Detroit. In New Zealand again, last year a couple was banned from naming their baby 4Real, so they chose Superman instead.
lol, that has to be the best name I have ever heard. Ima change my name to something ridiculously long and stupid to get other peoples attention too. Now he will be loved, ridiculed, envied and, admired by everyone!!! But seriously I think that is just stupid. There is no good reason for someone to change their name to that. Just imagine having to write your name on a school paper.
It might be pretty damn funny for like the first year or so, but then it would get old, boring and tiring to write. This is one of the dumbest things I have heard. Funny though!
there was something like this on family guy, peter named his boat the SS better than superman batman spiderman and the hulk all put together. If you ask me this guy is just a moron
Wow, that's pretty long but I would'nt do it, I like my name, and none of you will ever know it!! Ha ha. Lol. But seriously, who would change their name to something like that? I would'nt for sure. But it's possibly the worlds longest name, Eh? If I was going to change my name (I probably won't) then it would be something normal, unlike, that guy. His name is funny but what will his friends have to call him? "Hey there Superman!!" Lol.
He looks like a 4-year-old trapped in a teenager's body. This observation can be proved now that he changed his name to a combo of his favorite superheroes. lol. At least his parents didn't change his name. Sometimes, I feel parents are on something in the naming process of their kids. I've met someone named Army Helmet before.
lol ive heard of tulua does the hulla from hawii LAWL some one where i lived named their twins Orangello and Lemanello (orange jello and lemon jello) yes they were AA
Wow. My name is Matt. Thats unique too right? I wonder what his girlfriend thought. Writing his name will be a pain now too! This was funny, thanks for posting this!
I've got a better name. How bout Admiral Awesome Cooler than Chuck Norris God Britney Spears Spongebob Bruce Lee Jet Li Bobby Lee Superman Sean Connery Master Chief Borat Marijuana Steve Jobs And Almost Jelly Combine. Beat that.
That name will look amazing on a resumé. This kid will have hundreds of job opportunity's other than art now!
I am seeing him changing back his name in the next week or so. I mean at least put your real first name on the front, your real last name on the end and then have that as your middle name. Wouldn't that make sense?
Oh my god. That would really take a long time. But he could probably just do like Captain Fantastic. If my name was that long, I'd shorten my signature.
How are people going to call him? Lol. They could just call him Captain Fantastic but why go though all this trouble for 10 Euros?
I would have to say it's because he's richer than he is smart. Very very much richer than smart. Seriously are Americans really that bad? I hear a lot of funny stories across the pond.