Doubled Avense

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by drak, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Click Image to download, or download at the bottom

    Created By:

    1. sdrakulich - XxsdrakulichxX (nou I haz hax moar than u...)
    2. AmercanPsycho - AmercanPsycho (we needs more interlockz....)
    3. Stealth-the-one - Resix the One (it r gun b k nao...I r break map lol)
    4. Stealth-the-two - Resix the two (lololol friend lol)

    Special Thanks to:

    1. Hari for helping me with the flag spawns lol
    2. Y35 for helping me block off the map, and helping me become the most agile forger ever from just chasing around to delete all the mongooses he put/hid around the map....
    3. Goatsnuts for helping out with the lift that is epic-sex

    The creation Story
    Doubled Avense
    , started out as a joke map, that we were going to post, sort of like Onamatapia, by The Official Y35. We then kept throwing random items around, not caring where they were placed, yet trying to sound like we were pro at forging, and were going to get featured. After a while, around 2 hours that is, we were still at it, forging on.
    Then me and AmercanPsycho decided we would spend some more time on this, and actually go through with it, and make it fun and playable. We did some interlocking, some geomerging, nothing too much to make it look amazing. After going around the map and fixing some things we didnt like from the old crap view, we fixed it up into what is now one of my favorite maps to play on, as it has very satisfying gameplay.

    The BS Backstory:
    Four inexperienced architects set out to create a city. They failed. One of them, AmercanPsycho, said, "It dun fail!" Then, the resix's said, "Ys it does lol..." After this stupidity, in stepped sdrakulich and said, "NOU!"
    Therefore, the city now wins....

    Recommended Gametypes:

    1. One Flag: is the absolute best, amazing turnout from that, never got old
    2. Slayer: isn't the best, 4 max
    3. Team Slayer: to be played with 110 Damage Resistance, for best gameplay, and Assault Rifle Starts only.
    4. Team KOTH: again 110 Damage Resistance, Assault Rifle starts
    5. Team Oddball: 110 Damage Resistance, Assault Rifle starts

    Weapons/Equipment Layout:
    3x Battle Rifles
    1x Radar Jammer
    2x Assault Rifle
    1x Sniper
    1x Mauler
    1x Plasma Rifle
    1x Plasma Pistol
    1x SMG
    (jk thats what I wrote NOU
    2x Mongoose (Symmetrical Only)

    Some Explanatory Pictures....


    Defender's Base


    Attackers Base Right Side


    View from right mid side of attackers base on left side/mid of attackers base
    ***Sniper has switched with Mauler spawn, mauler is there now***


    View of center left from Defender's base


    View of Center right from Defender's base, as well as route to Top Alley


    View of route to Top Alley from Attacker's base, from right side of attackers.
    Action Me Pictures


    Me sticking someone from top Alley


    Me sniping someone from Top Alley


    Pics or it didn't happen.....


    How long did it take you guys to create this map?
    Let's split that into four parts, shall we?

    1. Messing around: 1-2 Hours
    2. Actual forging in-group: 3 or so hours
    3. Forging alone (sdrakulich): 3-4 hours
    4. Finishing touches (spawns, weapons, etc) with Hari: 2 hours

    You know what? Try it...I promise you the gameplay is better than it looks. The layout is balanced, and its not one of the 85% of the maps that suck (lol
    Please actually take a game or two of the suggested gametypes on it, and you will see how much better it actually plays than it looks.

    What the hell is a radar jammer doing on such a small map?
    Well, heres the catch: the radar jammer is the perfect distraction in returning the flag, or giving yourself that edge you need. Also, the Top Allye provides amazing tactics. Dropping in on enemies or making them look at the floor while you are aiming a nice sticky/snipe (as in shown pictures) has not been done in such a tactical way yet...

    Why did you take pictures of yourself?
    Because I felt like it, and because I was the only one with an epic no-scope like that. Otherwise, deal with it....'nuff said.

    ***WHY forge such a crappy map in the first place?
    Its not crappy, for one. As for two, I felt like releasing a map that doesnt meet up to everyone's standards, yet plays amazing, for the simple fact that I will be releasing a map soon that fits both criteria. Like stated already, try the map itself before judging.
    Also, if your mind still hasnt changed about the map, then:

    Once again, the creators of this map are:

    Resix the Two


    Thats right, I got assassinated like that....epic fail

    Download, rate and lol at it lol......

    Elite saying FEECHURE NAO!
    For joke's purposes....

    #1 drak, Nov 11, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2008
  2. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice! the layout and the look of the entire map are amazing. the top ally is cool and the asthetics are brilliant, and the merging is dead on. the backstory is funny. theres nothing bad i can really say about this map. 5/5
  3. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    It looks ok drak, but as for the layout, it looks like you didn't really plan it at all. More like you just put stuff down. I'll download and get back to you later about it.
  4. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    This map looks pretty good, a lot of neat and clean geo-merging and interlocking. Gameplay-wise, the map looks pretty smooth, weapons look balanced, the whole shabang.
    I downloaded and will be getting back to you with a review.
  5. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    It looks like an incredible map, with great interlocking and geo-merging. it seems like it could be feature-worthy, but most of the features lately have this sort of a layout and feel to them, so it might be tough. the gameplay also looks like it flows very well and it looks great for many games. great map
  6. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    Ohhh. i was waiting for you to post this sdrak ok now for my review.

    Gameplay oddly enough was really fun on this map. The spawns are perfect o never once had a bad spawn. My favorite gametype for this map had to be one flag. It never got old and also the fact that its extemely hard to camp near the flag makes it so you have to confront the enemy which makes the gameplay even better. Remember what you said "watch this is going to have the best gameplay ever but looks like wwe hardly tried."

    And that brings me to the next part of my review. The aesthetics are pretty 1337 in this map and i cant believe it went from being kind of a joke to being a really serious map. the geomerging and interlocking are especially superb.

    5/5 i would recommend this for feature but you cant recommend your own maps :D
  7. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    It may look rather unorganized and unplanned but the gameplay is the goal here, right? This map offers great gameplay (believe me, i know....i spent hours playing one flag on it) while still being aesthetically pleasing and the radar Jammer is indeed very useful in quick escapes and sneak attacks. The map has a great combination of close to mid ranged combat and should be played with spawn times of 3-5 seconds, no more. Also, it is Absolutely unbreakable as tested by me. When playing this map you can expect some amazing noscopes and sticks and an altogether good time. I definitely suggest this map for all competitive Halo players.
  8. MovingTarget602

    MovingTarget602 Ancient
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    I remember testing this with you, it is incredibly fun. It may not look aestheticly pleasing, but it is fun. Great for 2v2 and 4-5 people FFA. I am actually download it because it was so fun.

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks cool. i can see that u put a ot of in this one, getting all the gameplay to be just right. im truly impressed on this one. the map is perfectly forged and the gameplay seems great. il be downloading this one, nice job. 5/5
  10. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Upon playing it, I found out that the map actually has very good aesthetics and great weapon set, but suffers from spawn placement. Drak, that is the only thing that I can suggest in making a v2. Good map sir.
  11. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    So acording to your description it only took you guys about 10 hours to make this!? This map looks awesome! The part that sticks out the most and makes me want to download it is that top alley thing that you were sniping from, That thing is awesome! 5/5 Stars!
  12. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Thanks dude. We only took around 10 hours, and much more testing than is written on there....I chose not to include the countless hours of just sitting in forge, so I compressed it by 2-3

    Glad to see people downloading this map....I hope to get some epicsex reviews from this one.
  13. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Lots and lots of testing. Mostly one-flag games, but we tried 2v2 slayer and it was pretty fun. Possibly work on the spawns a little more and re-merge a couple walls and boxes, and the map will be much better. Thanks for the comments guys.
  14. Kingjudge

    Kingjudge Ancient
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    this is a funny story of how it was made but the gameplay is a lot more fun than what the pictures show you ill have to be sure to download this map
  15. drak

    drak Ancient
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    spawns will be fixed Amercan, dun wurry, its gun b k
    one flag IS as much fun as it joke

    Thanks, the funny story was meant to attract downloads.....lolfail inorite?
    I hope you download *wink wink* and give a review lolz
  16. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    I think it was skradulich or whatever your name is but your concept of how there is death lurking above kinda of idea is basically the premise for new map which I'm sorta stumped on. But other than that this map looks pretty cool. I don't know why anyone would think it looks sloppy because I thought it looked fine. But there are a few things I'm curious about. Nice job though!
  17. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Well it sure was fun screwing around on this map, i even hid a mongoose you have not found yet, i think.
    Do not change it though its not affecting game play.
    And about the game play i bet snipers would be really fun, or something like Br's.
    I do think that some more time could have been put into the actual map, but the wall containing you is near perfection.
  18. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    You are not moar jewish than me. Don't lie. I am singin the Baru, Vshamru and my torah portions all at once!

    Drak, I am pissed at you now because you didn't send mea link. I tested and critisized this map and you still actlike you hate me. JK I love you.

    I loved the gameplay, the spawns were great and the dezign was pretty epic too. I think you should have redone the map though so it has better quality because there is much room for improvement.

    What is the whole point of posting a map when you are going to demote it in your own post?
  19. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    My review.

    I played this map and I believed that it was an incredibly fun map to play on.

    Aesthetics: The overall map has a nice feel to it, but there could definitely be some more interlocking and geomerging done do give it a better feel. For instance, the center wall looks sloppy just like two boxes stacked on one another. Those could easily be interlocked vertically to give the map a better feel.

    Game play: From what I played I really like the game play and the layout. The flag carriers and defenders always had an equal chance to do their job and the sniper tower gives the defenders a nice chance to hold out in a last minute situtation. I also like how the sniper has to travel across the field in order to be usd in its most effective spot, the sniper tower.

    Overall I really enjoyed this map and I hope you ppl download it. However, I do think that a V2 ould be made just to iron out some of the small interlocking and geomerging errors or neglets.


  20. mortal122

    mortal122 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great map, looks fun. How you interlock like that? Its cool. How did you get the picture like that blue? Wow

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