Gilgamesh v2 By Stealth the one (resix) Supported gametypes: Team Slayer Team king CTF Team oddball Assault Recommended # of players: 8-12 Weapons list: 10x Br 1x Sniper, 1 clip 1x Bubble shield 1x Rocket Launcher, 2 clips 2x Mauler 2x Shotgun 2x SMG 1x Power drain 2x Warthog 2x Carbines 8x Plasma Grenades 4x Frag Grenades Map Description: The Epic of Gilgamesh is he book i was reading when i started making this map and so i combined halo with a book and created magic. Definition of epic: noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style: Homer's Iliad is an epic poem. My definition: My map (lol?) Changes from v1 Better spawns Removed deployable cover added sniper perch above no u hill moved rockets to where sniper used to be moved bubble to where rockets used to be added brs added spawn points and improved gameplay made the map unbreakable Pics: you will see some of the same pics here but than ill post the different pics New pics This is mirrored on the other side New bubble shield and sniper perch No u hill and rocket spawn Action shots nao!!!! Oh Em Gee its Jack hammer I have tested this map many many times to make it be as epic as possible the people whom i tested it with really liked it all of whom are from the testers guild here at forgehub. i have also fixed spawns so you dont always spawn in the back bases. Download Gilgamesh v2 Enjoy and please comment on it!
I remember the first Gilgamesh, but you didn't list what exactly makes this a v2. Weapon changes? Layout changes? Gametype additions? We need answers!!!
this map looks cool and i remember v1 of this map. that one was cool to. i think this one has even better gameplay and i am realy looking foward to tryin this map out ill give this a 4/5, i think that u may have overpowered the map with to much power weapons, i realy dont like the rockets. IMO
the testers told me to move the rockets and i did and they have a longer respawn time which makes them not as powerful as you might think. also the sniper and the warthogs equally balance out the rockets. and there are just enough power weapons.
this is one of the funnest maps i have ever played on. It is a very good competitive map with excelent spawn points and well done weapon placements. it was a good idea to put a rocket on the map to even out the warthogs and to put a sniper on the map since the sniper guy has coverage but also the guy whos getting shot at. it looks like you put a lot of effort and time into the merging with some nice geomerging and the weapon placements. good job 5/5