This is an update of slashdolo's post Halo 3 community sterotypes with 5 new ones I made along with 2 others I pulled from a forum (CoD4 player and The Guy), they're at the top. My hats off to slashdolo for thinking of the 38934324 other stereotypes he put on here lol. The Vehicle ***** You just start the game and your getting blown up by wraith. Not that bad you use spartan laser and take it out. Oh wait he's back with a banshee now blowing the **** out of everyone. Finally you destroy that with assault rifle fire. Wait again he stole your ghost now he just ran your ass over....the vehicle *****. The Call of Duty Player Throughout the whole game, this person constantly compares Halo 3 to CoD4. Such phrases may include: "I wish I could drop a grenade when I die!", or "I wish I could shoot through these walls, like in CoD4!", or who could forget the infamous "It seems really slow now that I can't sprint!" Then when he loses guess what his excuse is Im so used to CoD4. The Guy The one guy that nobody knows and plays all by himself, he seems like he's a cool guy, but is purely playing the game for the EXP points. Trash Talking Assholes These are the guys who are rated about around lieutenant or captain. They usually stick to social slayer and right before the game you here your mike explodes with racists comments and vulgar language. These guys constantly teabag you throughout the game and sometimes they even team teabag you. These guys never seem to die and somehow win most of theyre games. If your stuck against these assholes just turn your box off. Youll get criticized out your ass. Some comments you might hear from them are Why in the hell is the Mexican on our team? and I hate gay people. The British Guy These guys are usually decent teammates to deal with. They dont usually throw out remarks. But theyre damn accent is so annoying. So then you have to make fun of them. And being British they dont fight back but they get everyone and theyre sister to give you bad feedback. The Glitcher These guys get along very well with the Trash Talking Assholes there goal is to piss you off as much as you can usually theres a team of them on the same screen. They seem to lurk in team doubles and camp by the power weapons, then when you come double team the **** out of you. Then theyre next move is to glitch out of the map and hide somewhere for the 10min remaining in the game so they can finish theyre latest box of donuts. Then after the game they tell you how bad you are. The Creepers These guys are the ones that have some emo music coming out of theyre mic the whole game. They seem so be pretty good at the game but lurk in the shadows and when they die they make a strange sound between a dieing cat and him raping his dog. They call him Creeper. The Mic-less Bastard Probably the most common breed found online. For whatever reason, these guys don't use headsets in any game mode they play in, even team based games where communicating is essential. Some even go so far as to try and communicate through their characters' actions in-game, such as making the character nod his head, or to shoot at objects that require attention. The Mic-less Bastard must be a very conservative spender, as spending $20 on a headset is apparently out of the question. The Sucky Complainer Sucky Complainers are those that suck at the game, yet blame every one of their deaths on the game itself. They're not a rare breed by any means, but most of them at least have the dignity to turn off their mics to avoid making a fool of themselves. However, some don't see it that way, and wish to keep you up to date on every "BS" thing that happens. "I shot him and he didn't die!", "This game's broken!", "I just spawned there!", and "OMG ur use hax!" are all common phrases you'll hear out of the Sucky Complainers. Sucky Complainers use their file share for nothing more than to share their misfortunes with the world. Unfortunately for them, no one cares. The Temperamental Temperamentals are generally cool guys when they first enter the game, talking with their teammates normally, and sometimes even making jokes and laughing. However once the game gets heated and things don't go quite their way, the Temperamentals start having mood swings equivalent to that of a bi-polar woman on menopause. You'll hear them smash their controllers against the ground, yell curse words randomly, or even verbally attack teammates for no reason. Then, after the match, they're back to normal. Temperamentals usually don't live past the age of 30 due to their high blood pressure. The Chomping Maniac The Chomping Maniacs are generally compulsive eaters, who find the crunchiest, loudest, most annoying thing to eat, and then consume without care for the ones who have to hear them. Insanely annoying, they'll even go so far as to hiccup and belch in their mic, as well as talk with their mouth full. Chomping Maniacs almost always have some kind of food related stain on their mics. The Weapon Hog Want a weapon? Well you're not getting it if Weapon Hog is in the room. See that Ghost? Yeah, he's already hopping into the driver's seat. Want the Overshield? You guessed it, he's there too. The Weapon Hog seems to have his mic on, but never speaks to make you think he can't hear you when you're pleading for something on the map. Weapon Hogs can usually be spotted with a Sniper in their hands and a Rocket Launcher on their back, or driving a Ghost while in Active Camo. The Monotone Being a majority of the Halo 3 matchmaking community, you may find this specimen in almost any matchmaking game. He speaks with a simple, kind of rough voice which anyone can understand. Usually he will spit out useful bits of information and be a well-rounded asset to the team. Trash talk doesn't phase the Monotone, and even if it did, you couldn't tell because his voice stays the same pitch throughout the entire game. The 8-Year Old Every so often you will come across this annoying creature. Upon hearing the incredibly high-pitched squeaking of the 8-year old, it would be best to identify the gamertag and mute them imediately. These brats never shutup and will usually talk over and over just to annoy their teammates. Their skill widely varies from god awful, to so good they must not have a social life. Approach with caution. The "Expert" These guys are the bullies of Halo 3. If one should be on your team, you will have it rough. These guys will bark orders left and right, and will not stop. If you disobey, you will be verbally punished. This specimen usually goes for the power-weapons, and will shoot you if you pick up the Sniper Rifle when he wanted it. Beware as they will not be afraid to kill you once as it will not give you the option to boot him. The best thing to do is be submissive and keep to yourself, but if it turns out he really sucks at Halo then go ahead and talk some trash. Beware of the negative review you'll receive after the match however. The Shy Guy You might see the symbol on your screen indicating this person's mic is plugged in, but you may never hear them talk. They may answer the phrases like "Hey" or "What's up?" but usually will not speak unless spoken to. The plus side to having one of these guys on your team is they aren't annoying as hell. The bad side is, you're as good as dead if you're paired with the Shy Guy at any point, as he feels no need to warn you of approaching enemies you may not see. The Girl Girls play Halo 3. This is a fact. Unfortunately there are only a few of them. You can recognize them by their soft, quiet voice. On a regular basis they will be respectful of their teammates, but rarely will talk, usually speaking in sentences of as few words as possible. Most likely they will become freaked out if guys start hitting on them, serious or no, so its best not to. Don't be fooled by the Pink Master Chiefs or the female sounding "oh" when you blow up an enemy, as many guys mask their characters as such in order to fool others. The AM Radio Bzzzzzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzz. Fruuuuuuurp. Bzzzzzzzzzz. We've all heard this. The mic is turned on and a loud static can be heard through your headset. Usually these guys won't even use their mics and will just keep it on to annoy you, so a safe precaution is to mute them before you go insane. The Quiet One You can barely hear these guys, as they are annoyed as their chins scrape the side of their mic while talking, so they move it farther from their face. As a result, you must turn up your headset to hear them at all. The Quiet One is usually ignored simply for the fact that no one can even hear him. The Human Intercom Polar opposites of the Quiet One, the Human Intercom likes to talk loud... really loud. They are confused in that they think if you are on the other side of the country, you won't hear them unless they scream. Unfortunately the concept of a digital sound transferring object such as the mic is too confusing for them. Some also believe they have simply swallowed their mic and thus it is stuck in their esophagus forever, but this is just a myth. The Bragging Drug Addict "I am so wasted right now!" is the first thing you'll hear out of these delinquents. Most likely starved for attention, they'll brag about how stoned or drunk they are until the cows come home--to indulge on some special "grass." If any other bragging drug addicts are in earshot, prepare for never ending replies of "Hells yeah!" The Moron The Moron can't really help that he's a moron. In fact, he could just have a bad memory. However if you need any kind of information out of him, prepare to be confused. He'll never know what the Covenant or Brute weapons are properly called and will refer to them as "green laser shooting guns", he'll always call the Mongoose a "4-Wheeler" and the Banshees "airplanes", and he'll never know where he's at on the map in team games and will say something along the lines of "I'm next to the big explodey thingy." The interesting thing about the Moron is that he's usually ranked at Lt. or higher, meaning he's quite familiar to the game and still knows as little as he did about it when he first got it. The Oblivious Redneck Hailing from the south of the USA, the Oblivious Redneck never bothers to look things up on his own time and feels the need to ask his teammates everything in the most exaggerated accent possible. Oblivious Rednecks are distracted by shiny objects and neat things on the map, so feel free to tell them about such things in order to get them to shut up for a while. Once the Oblivous Redneck asks something along the lines of "How do I git that higher booster armer?", its best to just leave the game to avoid your IQ potentially dropping. The One Liner One Liners are those that generally say something pretty informative or completely useless at the start of the game, and then never speak again during the entire match. They usually wear the default Mark VI armor and end up either costing you the match by dieing too much or totally destroying the other team for the win. Don Veto Don Vetos are those that feel the need to yell veto at everyone in the room, regardless of the map or gametype. Slayer on Guardian? Don Veto vetoes it. Multi-Flag on Standoff? He'll veto that too. Don Veto can always be heard repeating the word "veto" at the start of every match, even after the gametype and map gets vetoed and as the match is starting. The Faux Mic-less One Liner Don Veto A fusion of different stereotypes and very rare to find, Faux Mic-less One Liner Don Veto wont have a mic on in the lobby, but will plug it in to simply yell veto over and over. Faux Mic-less One Liner Don Veto then unplugs his mic having accomplished his mission, and never plugs it in until the next time he wants to veto something. The Cowardly Trash Talker Only talking smack when everyone in the room is either in private chat or doesnt have a headset plugged in, Cowardly Trash Talker forebodes everyone of his awesome finger skills in Halo. As soon as he sees a headset being plugged in, he mutes his own and isnt heard of again unless he wins the match. The Out-of-Game Conversationalist This guy loves to talk... to people not in the game. You can hear Out-of-Game Conversationalist talking to everyone but the team, and not caring whether you hear him or not. Yelling at his mom, ordering delivery pizza, and even talking on the phone with grandma are all things you can expect from the Out-of-Game Conversationalist. The Hypocrite Also found on every other online shooter on the 360, the Hypocrite will bash the game he's playing when he's playing poorly, and claim its the greatest game ever when playing well. The Hypocrite has also been known to sell games out of anger, only to buy them back again a week later to continue his tirade online. The Human Stereo The Human Stereo are those who go online with their favorite music genre playing at max volume, and you can be assured you're going to hear it through their headset too. Usually either blasting a sub-genre of metal, gansta rap or techno, pleas to the Human Stereo to turn his music down will only cause him to turn it up louder... to 11.
Re: ***Halo 3 community sterotypes UPDATED*** I would recomend not using a bunch of ** in your thread title. Just a suggestion.
Re: ***Halo 3 community sterotypes UPDATED*** thats was ****ing hilarious. i especially loved the redneck one and the tempermental ones being like bi-polar menopause XD oh and you forgot grenade camping ***** this player will sit in a corner with a mauler or shotty if possible throwing grenades if any possible threat approaches. while one on his own will no match the power of a more skilled player(ie,someone who can aim) but when matched with another "n00b" will have the combined grenades to wipe any one who comes within a 20 foot approached as a team
Re: ***Halo 3 community sterotypes UPDATED*** I see some of me in those, but theres not one that gets me 100% So yea... =\ ever seen these from halo 2?
You should have mentioned that the 8 year old always seems to be playing custom games and has a maxed out friends list, despite everyone who complain about them.
nice but you forgot the (the Human Echo) the dude that has his tv up so loud that you can here every thing that everyone says (the 8 yr old Canadian) {nothing against Canadians} so anoying you get their little squeek voice and the accent double ugh (the never mutes their mike guy) carrys on complete conversotions with people in the room without even muting their mike dude the rest Freaking Rule oh yeah (the acts gay) you know them the guys who are pink have unicorns for pics and want to "be more than friends"
Lolz. Funny. I see myself in some of those too, and I bet everybody is at least partially in one of those groups. Unless there's the perfect halo player, but I don't think so.
I read the whole thing, I lol'd at a few I would have to say im a human stereo, not all the time though
with "halo 3" in the title of the thread, do u think this belongs in HALO DISCUSSION also??????? stupid bnet-tards.
theres another type of grenae *****. what they do is throw nades at u from around a corner until they see u baking away from them b/c ur hurt and kill u. also r the assholes who dont even use the br in hc but still pwn everyone.
Same here. I don't usually talk all that much. Especially now that my voice sounds like crap because I have sore throat. :squirrel_giggle: