Relation adjustmants that NEED to happen.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GD27 BlueDevil, Nov 10, 2008.

  1. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    As many of you know, Farcry hub has indeed been released and according to many opinions and predictions, it will split Forgehub into 2 separate parts. If these predictions come true, it will likely be impossible for Forgehub to compete with

    I was thinking about some major changes that should be made resulting in a positive reaction in the community making representing (and not being Biased) both the games: Halo 3 and Farcry 2. This involves interactions between both part of the sight.

    First, the relations between Forgehub and Farcry Hub will work as an “alternate identity.” This will cleary show the effectiveness of both identities working together as a whole.
    The second step to my plan is to change Forgehub’s name or motto, making it clear that both Farcry and Halo maps are very accepted on this website.

    Also the layout of the front page will be modified so on the top half it shows the website’s info concerning both websites. The information shown here will be layed out in an identical way that the front page is now. Information that goes here would be: website updates, features (no matter what game), announcements and so forth.

    The bottom half of the front page will be cut into 2 equal parts. Information here should represent information that only appeals to one game. An example would be TGIF for that game, game updates, single game related competitions.
    To keep from making the website’s members from becoming better attached to one of the games, members of Forgehub will have the same information as they do on Farcry hub. This is difficult to explain so I’ll give you an example:

    1. If you have 500 posts on Forgehub you have the same amount on Farcry Hub.
    2. If you are a loyal, moderator or premium on Forgehub you have the same title of Farcry Hub.

    This will force both identities to operate as a single unit and one will not become more popular than the other.

    However, the only thing that will differ between Forgehub and Farcry Hub will be the map forums. The off topic forums, community forums and map making (forge and Halo discussion) will remain the same, only they will be enhanced to support both Halo 3 and Farcry 2 topics.

    Since the only difference between Forgehub and Farcry Hub will be the map forums, there will be no feud, no fight and no civil war. Everything should operate well and have no flaws.

    I felt like this thread needed to be typed because the relationship between Forgehub and Farcry Hub are not very good.
    Many of us feel as if we are attempting to keep Forgehub from surviving On the other hand, we sould begin looking at this situation as an opportunity and we should take advantage to make this website improved and larger. All we must do is adjust and tweak the site’s layout until it can support the two games.

    Let me know what you guys think. All opinions are not only welcomed, but encouraged. With Farcry becoming increasingly successful, something with Forgehub has to change.
    Previously mentioned above, I would like to change the name of forge hub and Farcry Hub to put them together in unison. I don’t currently have any name ideas but if you have any, please leave them in your comments.

  2. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    ... Theres a FarCry hub?... like that **** eh?
  3. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    let me explain this to you simply...

    Farcry gave their fans an awesome, insanely well done map editor.

    what they failed to give was a real way for the community to access and share them amongst themselves. In a matter of a few months, no one will care about it. Both farcry sites will fail horribly, and everyone who freaked out about it will feel silly.

    the end.
  4. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Forgehub will last longer than any Far Cry 2 site where map sharing is available. Also, like Silence said, they produced a great editor, but they forgot about letting people access the maps easily and allowing the extras like screen shots and such.
  5. drak

    drak Ancient
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    I agree with both of you that it was stupid of Ubisoft to release the game without the databases set up for the maps to be downloadable, but in truth, the map downloading system offline (separate story for while in-game) is going to be better than Halo 3's. In-game however, you have to wait for a map to download before playing it, unlike halo. Also, say you just finished a game: the party leader has the following options:
    Change the map, change the gametype, or vote for either shuffling teams, or banning a player. There is no transferring party host/party leader.
    Another con is that while a player in someone's party, and the game just ended, you are presented with an option whether or not to keep the downloaded map. If you make the horrid mistake of selecting "no" and having the same map come up again, you lose time and have to re-download

    Therefore, the two are quite different, and although forge will be the go-to editor, FC2's has better download (partially) system....

    lol *gotta end on a good note...*
  6. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Lets say that in the near future, the company allows better communication between maps. This is what I was aiming for when I wrote this.
  7. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    The Far Cry hub is unneeded. There's a Far Cry site for such things. This is ForgeHub.
  8. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I didn't read all your post, too long, but I think I got the gist of it.

    Basically, what you propose is a unity between ForgeHub and Far Cry Hub, eliminating any barrier separating the two, making as one, turning Forgehub into a "creativity" powerhouse that will continue to expand as it merges with other games with editors, drifting further and further away from it's origins.

    I totally disagree, but rather think this is horrible. First off, very few people on FH actually have Far Cry, let alone play it. It is a great game, but with all these other games out right now, it is being pushed aside. Also, from what I read, the map editor is great, but what is the point of making a map, when no one will play it since there is no one to play with? Far Cry Hub right now is an empty void, with hardly any activity from when I go to visit, but making it a bigger part of Forgehub with result in the actual ForgeHub having that same void in the middle of something great. If Forgehub adopts a game such as Far Cry just because of a map editor, then Forgehub will continue taking in map creation games. Why no LittleBigPlanet? What about Crysis? These games have editors, if we break down that wall and let Far Cry in, then other games will follow, and next thing you know Forgehub has no core to it.

    Forgehub has, and shall always remain a site solely for Halo 3 Forge. We are the best community, in my opion, for Forge. Why must we expand when what we have is already great? We don't need to compete with Far Cry Creations, I could care less about them. I could care less about Far Cry Hub. All I care about is Forgehub, the site I joined.
  9. drak

    drak Ancient
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    do you expect Forge to live forever?

    No dude, there will be MANY new games with map building capabilities, so no, the FarCryHub is VERY needed for forgehub, and its 25000 members to keep coming back....
  10. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    I'm saying that it's unneeded because there's an other site for it...
  11. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    We could go the route of being a community for all games that allow for creative contributions... I certainly think there's a place for such a thing. And there's certainly many games that have gone this route. Forge seems to have made it popular, and shown how to do it right. But I agree that maybe this particular site will probably always be tied specifically to Halo 3. That's all up to what the admin want to do with their site.

    I agree that FarCry won't survive the hype. They didn't do it right, and I'm not just talking about the exchange network they built. The maps you can create look nice but they're so superficial. You can't actually do much with them. It's kind of like this

    Forge: 30
    FC editor: 50

    H3 custom options: 30
    FC custom options:1

    50 X 1 = 50
    30 X 30 = 900
    #11 Indie Anthias, Nov 11, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2008
  12. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    That website is Farcry Creations and its our competition. When forge dies (if we don't do something) Forgehub will go down with it.
  13. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    just like my boner went down when i saw a post by you...
  14. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    No matter how awesome the Farcry maps are, its gonna fail cause there wont be anyone to play the games in the end. The Multiplayer aint as epic as Halo's Multiplayer. Also, I wouldnt worry about Farcrycreations lasting too long, not only do the admins not know how to run the site, but also nobody wants to go trough all that trouble to posting their maps and doing all those pictures and such. Farcrycreations is gonna be its own downfall in the end.
  15. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    I agree with sweeny on this one. Forgehub is rooted to Halo 3 and it has been very successful. Far Cry is not owned by many people and I have only visited Far cry hub a few times. That being said, I have only seen Far cry Creations once when this dispute first started. I think it is stupid how we have a feud because another website might become a more popular website. I don't care if they have more people on their site in the future. I love forgehub the way it is and I don't believe that farcry hub makes or would make it any better.

    Also, I don't think this site will die when Halo 3 Forge dies. There will always be more games coming out and some of them will be from Bungie. They created this forge and people loved it. So what says that there will not be a Forge in a game like Marathon or even Halo 4 (even if it is not made by Bungie)?. I love forgehub the way it is and believe there is no need to have petty quarels with other websites. I mean look at, it has a huge amount of members many times greater than forgehub but I never liked it there. Forgehub has been the site that I geet from school and get onto every day for more than half a year and I still love it. I agree that I want to go to the site that I joined and love,
  16. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    ya, the gameplay is just too bad. halo is the best shooter game in my opinion, and the fact that i can have THAT shooter experience ANYWHERE is why i love it so much. far cry isnt going to beat halo. not in a million years.
  17. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    I expect forge to live longer than farcry. And if you dont your ignorant in the nicest way I can say it. is not really competition they focus on a completely different game that will die sooner than forge
  18. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Same. Halo 3 recon is going to lenthen it and so will Halo 4 if Gearbox is smart enough to improve what Bungie has started.

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