
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DEP Assassin, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. DEP Assassin

    DEP Assassin Ancient
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    Author: DEP Assassin

    Supported Gametypes:
    -Capture The Flag (symetrical only)


    Basiclly my second map today (just did the remaining quarter of another). I made this map with some suggestions on a next map from the first one. I took them into consideration, and made a new one. Now, Big, Bridges flipped, Better object spawning, Varies in weapons, Boxes flipped, Multiple Gametypes... etc...

    Basiclly I wanted to make a really neat sniper tower. When you see ht epics, it may look like the map is JUST the sniper towers, and thats all it's focusing on...But it isn't.

    Took me 4 hours straight. I only got up once to have dinner (10 mins.) other than that. It was basiclly from beggining to end!

    Update: Even though it doesn't look hard to make, and no interlocking,... There was... THERE WAS ALOT... if you look outside of the map, you can see whole bunch of objects sticking thorugh!... And the sniper towers were hard.. I didnt just do a box and put them ontop.. I got it level, by putting 5 doors ontop of eachother, and ten a bridge..16 times! Pain in the ass much?...hahaha


    BR's: I think 8
    AR's: 4
    Carbines: 2
    Maulers: 2
    Snipers: 2
    Rockets: 2 (only 2 shots+ in hidden location..See pics)
    Plasma Rifles: 2
    SMG's: 4
    Spikers: 2
    Needlers: 2
    Shotgun: 1 (in middle)


    Overall View 1
    Overall View 2
    Side of SniperTower
    Under SniperTower (ground level)
    2nd Floor SniperTower (1 block above ground level)
    3rd Floor SniperTower
    Front of the Tower
    Are In Front of Sniper Tower
    Sneaky Rocket!
    Shotgun Spawn View 1
    Shotgun Spawn View 2
    Shotgun Spawn View 3
    Shotgun Spawn View 4

    The rocket is on the other corners of the sniper towers

    Basiclly, for the rockets, shoot the forklift, and when it blows up, (bout 1 clip of AR) a rocket launcher will drop! don't waste them though, you only have 2 shots!

    Gametype: Basiclly anything, Prefereblly MLG.

    Map: Sliced
    #1 DEP Assassin, Nov 11, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2008
  2. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    zyour layout is really great, i like that. But seeing from your pics, you do know how to interlock. I would suggest interlocking more of your map to make it look not as sloppy. Your boundries are really sloppy, those could have been done better without interlocking.

    Sorry, but only a 1/5.
  3. DEP Assassin

    DEP Assassin Ancient
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    i know, but i had no money left :O... and i hate the infinate money glitch!!

    Any one else wanna comment?
  4. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Nah I disagree. I like the look of this map and I think it goes to show that a map's quality is based on personal opinion and not if, or how well it is, interlocked/merged. And in my opinion, this is a good map. So far anyway. I don't think I saw the whole thing in the pictures so I'll DL and see if my opinion alters. Although I have a feeling it won't.

    Good job in my book Assassin :D 4.5/5 only because I see a few uneven flaws here and there.
    #4 Doog Nit, Nov 11, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  5. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    This looks good, but I hate maps that are surrounded by double boxes. It makes the map look really bland. The map's layout, however, is a different story. For a sniper map, it looks really even, not like some sniper based maps. It also looks good, aesthetically as well. Apart from a few things that would look nicer with interlocking. But, yeah, overall, I'll give it a 7.25/10.

    Keep on Forgin'!
  6. RogueFIST

    RogueFIST Ancient
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    The idea is great, but as others have said, your boundaries are sloppy, and i think you said (lol too much reading lately) that it took 4 hours, which would probably be the cause for teh sloppiness.
  7. DEP Assassin

    DEP Assassin Ancient
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    yah, i know..but ill fix these things! Just give it a try (DL IT) and see what its like..I stil need to test if t ctf and assualt things are in the right locations!
  8. Shad0wAssassin5

    Shad0wAssassin5 Ancient
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    even though it looks kind of sloppy it seems like a good slayer map. i will dl and see how it plays. also for the ctf and assault i can help just send a f/r my gt is in my sign.
    oh and also it may work out for MLG but MLG maps don't have plasma rifles, smgs, assault rifles, spikers, spike grenades, or needlers. i also haven't seen shotguns in official MLG maps anymore. if you want to make it mlg you could add some more carbines, replace spike grenades with plasma grenades, and add a couple of plasma pistols. again it looks good in my opinion, i will dl and edit my post once i have played on it.
  9. DEP Assassin

    DEP Assassin Ancient
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    Nah, i got em working, wanna gelp me out with the boundaries? just interlocking em now..oh and we can play some! inv ome friends and we'll have a sexy sliced party!
  10. DEP Assassin

    DEP Assassin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I made another map... This time A MINIGAME! Go check it out!


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