I would really like to know because everyone that makes them wants MSoft points for it and I think thats bullcrap so if someone could show me or tell me I would really appreciate it
I'm assuming you're talking about the black/grayish wings that are made of weapons? Well, you float a bridge or other platform, then lay out the weapons for your design, in this case, wings. Once you've saved, delete the platform and align your character accordingly. Once you get the perfect camera angle, you have wings.
funny thing about this is.. the dude who made it up and **** posted ON BUNGIE forums how he did it.... look up his name on google and im sure you'll find it.. easiest would be is his youtube i think and it has a link to it... YEP look your gonna love me for this
What is his youtube channel. I would also like to see. Anyway what I thought you did was save and quit the objects and have a spawn point at the angle you want it.
If you save and quit weapons they just drop from the height you placed them at when the new round starts.
i had an idea related to this. if u did a wapon drawing and put every thing to spawn at start:NO than stand wwhere u wanted, the weapons will all spawn at the same time, THEN falls. u just stop the theater when the weps spawn and thus you have your drawing with your charater AND theres no "forge tear drops"