ok guys i need ur help. im making a new map in foundry and i want to have a gate in it which can be manually opened by the players. the gate is built of 2 double boxes across eachother and the top is made by a bridge part. i just want that the humans ( im making an infection game ) can open it by shooting something etc, but i cant figure out how to do it. i dont know if this has been asked before, but im new to the forum, so i thought i just post here. i hope to hear from you soon
It depends- give us more details- do u want v zombie to open it, do u want to be a premature barrier and how does this fit in with your game i.e humans go through and zombies get stuck outside etc heres a few ideas, If u want it be a premature barrier, make it out of pallets to smash your way through them. If then u dont want the zombie to go through make either teleporters, gravlifts or other scenery spawn later to block up the enterance. Fusion coil drops- make your guys shields high/ speed increased to survuve the barrage of fusion coils so humans can get through whilst the low shielded Zombie gets snuffed Using crates, the humans work together to move them in the door way so the zombie cant get through
maybe not a gate per se but here what you COULD do. Make it so they "gate" is a shield wall keeping people out by having the grav lift with weapon holder method outlined in the forging101. then you could can a chain reaction of fusion coils/anything explosive that will travel through the substructure of the map destroying the grav lift make the grav lifts and fusion coils on a short respawn but give enough time for the humans to get in.this will alow it to be opened but closes afterwards.meaning the zombies need to find another way in...actually this gives me a sortof idea for a good VIP gametype...feel free to use it in your map
ok i try to be more specific i have made a wall in foundry, in which i want a gate which can only be opened once by the humans ( not by the zombies) and only on the inside of the base, so if they want to go outside with their hogs, they can open the gate and drive. it starts as a barrier from the start from the game and after it has been opened, it cant be closed again, just something like the gate form highground, but then in foundry i hope this is more specific
OKAY heres what you do.i timed out the first ime i typed this so i have to be fast. 1 set up your gate with a movable but large object eg a dumpster and set two grav lifts that will lift it up out of the way. 2set two grav lifts outside the map but close the wall of the base or whatever your making 3 set a fusion coil in the base that is close enough to blow up the grav lifts outside. 4 set the run time minimum of the grav lifts to 2 and if possible the maximum to 2(contact rusty eagle or look at porcelain pony<featured maps> to see exactly how he did it) 5 set the grav lifts under the "gate" to not spawn at start and to have a very long respawn 6 set the grav lifts outside the map to spawn at start and never respawn again 7 now place the map.shoot the fusion coil which will blow up the grav lifts outside forcing the grav lifts under the gate to respawn instantly and OPEN SESAME! give credit to rusty eagle for figuring out how to achieve thi feat with his awesome toilet map
Posted by: mackey22 Ok, this is your first problem: double boxes don't move so you will have to use something moveable. Second, will the zombies be with the default stuff (i.e. energy sword only) _________________________________________________________________________________________ If the zombies are with default stuff....I do have a suggestion. IDEA #11.Try to use something that is large and movable (with foundry I would recommend the crates) 2.Then build those up to desired height and put on a very short respawn or auto respawn, but put a crack in between the crates. 3.Use the immovable objects tip on the Forging 101, just use it for the top and back however, so the front can still move. 4.Put fusion coils behind the wall. Result:The humans are able to shoot through the crack and blow the "gate" from the back so that the crates are blown out and they can go through and get their hogs. The zombies are also not able to get through since the crates are on a short respawn or instant respawn. :squirrel_giggle: WARNING: I have not tried this, but if you are going to do this remember to put the desired respawn time so the way could maybe be barricaded again. IDEA #2 1.Put timed respawns (optional) and put respawn again to *never* on some gravi lifts. 2.Make a double box wall as planned. 3.Hope that the humans get to the gravi lifts, go on top of the wall,and are able to destroy the gravi lifts all before the zombies get there.
Double boxes don't move, but if you want to use the plasma coil things, put a patlette or whatever in the sky, over the hole in the wall, and whenever the zombies come, somebody with a sniper or something can shoot the patlette so that the fusion coils drop onto the zombies. Although, I dunno if it would stay there when it respawned(in the air).
ok, ive finally figured it out. i just put an fence box instead of a bridge on the 2 double containers, i then put dumpsters beneath the hole of the fencebox. i then used the gravlift trick of forge 101, i put 2 under the dumpsters and two outside as the switches, and voila, i have a working gate. i changed my plan to let the humans open it into to let the zombies open, cuz why would the humans want to have an open gate when there is an army of zombies outside