I think you are better off posting this map here, if you post it in the MLG section they will spam you to death...(mumbles something obscene) It happened to my MLG map. They will stone you if you do something different.
Oh they can and they did. I made three different maps, one that plays on MLG variants and all I heard was two pages of people spamming about whether it should be posted there or not. Also, Nev is right about the multi-posting, they highly frown upon that here. You should be mindful of that. If there is more you wish to say, simply edit your post and address other peoples statements with quotes.
Ok. Sorry I really actually don't mean to be disrecpectfull, and I am in NO way trying to bump my post. I am sorry if htis has caused any inconvienience
I don't think this should be an MLG map. Make it a 1v1. Change the weapon layout. Have: 2 Spikers 1 Mauler with No spare clips!!!! and respawn 180!!!!!!! 2 Plasma Rifles 2 Spike Grenades Thats it for weapon layout. Otherwise flip the bridges over and interlock the boxes. Thats it. 7/10 This has been a Ghost201 site map reading review.(That means I just look at the pictures and make an idea of how to fix a map)
Basiclly, i did that, but with extra weapons on a new map I started 4 hours ago. Just finished. Go to the competitive maps to see.. its called sliced!
This is my opinion, but this is too small for an MLG map, although i know its not only MLG. But MLG doesn't have SMGs, you might want to replace those with Plasma Pistols. And MLG maps generally stay away from lots of levels in a tall map, because you can get nade spammed. For slayer on the other hand, it looks pretty cool, and gameplay would be good. 3.5/5