Get Tactical Download map HERE Download RECON game variant ^Sniper Tower This is the only sniper spawn on the map. A good camping spot, but watch out for grenades. ^Ruins There is a BR spawn in one of sinking boxes. This area can be defended very well. ^Mounted MG Nest The Recon gametype is set up so that only the LOSING team can use the mounted machine gun. This way nobody can go on nonstop killing sprees. ^Underground Passage A few of the pipes are blocked off so that this area is one passage with a cave that contains the shotgun in the dim light. There's also a bubble shield completely in the dark you can look for. ^Ammo Stockpile This area consists of 1 BR, 1 AR, a magnum, and a deployable cover. Just below in the camo spawn there's a custom power-up that gives you "UAV" radar for a while (if you're using Recon gametype). This map is primarily for S.W.A.T. based game variants. I created a different variant of S.W.A.T. called RECON for this map. The map and variant make it so instead of spamming BR rounds everywhere, you're desperate to pick up other weapons such as the AR, SMG, or Magnum. There is a custom power-up in the map at the camo spawn that gives the player enhanced radar for a certain amount of time. Weapons on map: - Multiple AR's - Multiple BR's (harder to find than AR's) - Several Magnums - Two Shotguns - One Sniper Rifle - Multiple SMG's The map itself is darker than normal, with color blind and juicy filters turned on. This doesn't create an annoying, pitch black map where you can't see anything, but a dim/erie affect. This may not be an incredible forge, but it definitely plays AMAZING S.W.A.T. games, though I highly recommend you play with the RECON variant I've created for it. ENJOY! ~CheezBall42
Whoever rated this map a 3 is clearly blind. Cheezball, this looks like the best Ghost Town competitive map I've seen. The geomerging on the grounds of GT is a brilliant idea because it creates a battleground feeling (wartorn). You're idea with this geomerging was something I so desperately wanted to do for a map, but you beat me to it. The tunnel looks really nice, and the sniper tower is also great. SWAT looks like it would be set up perfectly with Ghost Town's already tight settings. I'm gonna try this out and get back to you, because I feel this could be an awesome map.
Wow man for a Non-Foundry map, I'm pretty impressed! I made one on ghost town myself, but barely incorporated any merging and you did it all over the place. Kudos to you dude keep up the good work 5/5 - best variant of ghost town I've yet to see. And that includes my own.