Gearbox, developer of the Brother In Arms series, has been officially named the Halo 4 developer. That's right, no more Bungie (in terms of Halo) after Halo 3: Recon. It was a tiny corner article in the November Game Informer magazine.
A bit of info for you, and a bit more than just a 'tiny corner article'. I suppose it's going to be a while before Gearbox announces anything. Recon's still a year away and Chronicles still needs an update. And the next Xbox? Awesome! Perhaps a quieter, smaller version of the 360!
Super sad face. Bungie shall be missed immensely, but at the same time I'm excited (way too early...) for Halo 4.
I thought this was already announced lol? I had actually read this in GI a bit ago too and was like man, why did they print this? Maybe there were just a lot of solid rumors. As long as its not like BIA I'm fine with it.
I believe Gearbox will do a good job though. They're the company that ported the first Halo to PC, and some of the multiplayer maps that they made for it were some of the best in the series; Death Island, Danger Canyon, Ice Fields.
Yeah I loved all those new maps except infinity and you forgot gephyrobia and timberland was good. But I would love to see Danger Canyon and Ice Fields on Halo 3.
Recon is January 9, 2009. Thats 11 days before my barmitzva. Only 3 months. Have patients, dear friend.
WTF Halo 4? U jest sir. And no bungie? But they hold some of the rights. Maybe they are getting money for it? And GD ur jewish 2?? OMGZORZ mazel tov. Lol you must be like 12 then. And last time I checked recon was next fall. Maybe that's when mythic will come out.
I wish it came out sooner than fall but im pretty sure it is. Wonder what the campaign is going to be like in #4...
Halo Wars comes out in February...not Halo 3 Recon. Recon is scheduled to come out in fall 2009. I think its safe to say that Gearbox will do a good job making Halo 4, and I'm certain Bungie will be overlooking the franchise just like they did with Halo Wars. Maybe we'll see some great new maps from them too. Like others have said, some of the greatest big team maps came from the PC verison.
Yeah, almost every map they made were great for 8v8 CTF; Death Island, Ice Fields, Timberland, Danger Canyon, Gephyrobia, but then Infinity sucked but thats okay =P.
Lol I started training for my barmitsva to late so I am having it when I turn 14. Wierd huh? Anyways I was talking with Matty about this earlier. We both agreed that (evan though Bungie might be frustrating) if Bungie isn't in charge, Halo won't be Halo. I hope they have an awsome map editor and actually listen to the cummunity. Bungie did but they didn't represent and reward us as well as they should have.
the only thing that I have heard is gearbox is making Halo 3 PC, the same co that made H1 PC, and gave you a full map editor. As for Bungie they don't own any of the rights to Halo-- those are all owned by MS.
Really? Do you have a source? I always wanted halo 2 pc, but it's impossible to find since it's discontinued.
I have to disagree with you and matty on that. Hardcore fans say H1 is halo, and H2 and H3 are cash cows. And Bungie made all 3. Each plays different, and IMO each plays well. But to say a game will be completly different bc bungie isn't leading the project is stupid. MS isn't going to give H4 to a new team. MS has $$$ and they will pay a top studio $$$$ to make it. Now regarding forge. Have you heard of Atlas. And if your talking about a full map editor. one that isn't possiable on xbox, only pc, bc it runs other software, and two 99% of the people here wouldn't know how to use it. And if your thinking Farcry 2 on xbox is a full editor-- its still WUSIWUG. So forge does what it does well, it lets anyone jump in an create a map with NO experiance.
a source for what? gearbox didn;t make Halo 2 PC. They made H1 PC. it is rumored that there next big project is Halo 3 PC.
Farcry is awesome, the worst thing about the game is the map editor. It's bland and boring, the pallet is very ugly and not very diverse. It just doesn't feel creative.
I kinda liked Bungie and the way they did things, but I am looking forward to see which one does better. I think bungie didnt do good on the spawns on the game, so i hope Gearbox fixes it.
The only thing that concerns me about another company producing Halo 4 is website support. Bungie has built up a great online community and has made many tools to bring people together. I can only hope that Gearbox will provide the same experience.
hey the mythic map pack is suppose to come out 1/6/09. i dont know if it correct. please correct me if im wrong. it does not come later than january is all i no