Shoot+B+throw grenade+B+X+B if i remember the sequence correctly.. i threw away the piece of paper i wrote it down on
why does everyone go crazy about button glitches anyway? There is a reason they aren't in the instruction manual.
Ow, the button glitch i listed earlier still works: BUT the first melee doesnt work, but if you happen to miss it you can get a second hit in instantly
I think it's much harder to quad shot and aim then just aiming and shooting 4 shots. that's on the topic of button glitches.
i found something when i was experimenting with button glitches. If you get hit with a firebomb, if u can quickly hit bxbr(right trigger) and waste all ammo it will stay on screen but won't inflict damage.. my friends all say it works
I don't really understand what this BxB glitch is (other than its a button glitch), but come on guys. It's as low as achievement running. There's a far difference from actually earning katana or a kill, and exploiting a glitch or begging people in the lobby to get what you want.
i think its good that bungie took it off b/c the people who cant do the button glicthes get owned and the guys who can r considred pros. thats y i suck at h2, but i rule at h3.