MLG Cubed Created by DEP Assassin Base: ___-.Foundry Supported Gametypes: Custom Gametype(s) -Slayer -MLG FFA -MLG TS The description OR he story didnt show up and its not in the code... NOOOO Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Bottom Floor, Spawn Area. Side View of The Middle Bottom Floor. Side View of the Back of the Bottom Floor. Second Floor View. Tunnel View. Top Floor View Download MLG Cubed Download MLG Squared TS Download MLG Squared FFA
hah gotta say it... FIRST POST Looks good due, pretty nice thts inclosed for MLG, but also strange are there weapons? i didnt see anything like a weapon list... theres BRs and a mauler tho? also belongs in MLG map section move please for you? I haven't seen a MLG like this before, idk if it helps or disproves true MLG gameplay, since your sooo close. its on the verge of rediculasness....:]
Wow this looks mega small! It looks good but just saying! I like the design that I can understand from the pics. I think It is pretty well forged, though have you ever geo-merged? I think a little bit of that is neede. Now Mlg is based mostly on br skills and across the map fights! So, this should be changed to a FFA map with no br at all. Now that is my opinion, unless you changed it to swat, NO BRS! Good map, alright post. -Irish
sorry But this does not look like an mlg map. And u need som more interlocking cause looks a little bumpy by the stairs. But overal good map
First off you should flip over the bridges becauase it looks waayy better that way. I thought mlg was supposed to be big so you could use the battle rifle and carbine and stuff. Also the merging could be a lot neater.
"looks mega small" Meh, just from the views.. It actually does play Really good! Also, I just named it MLG because that i what it is MEANT for. But you can really play nearly anything on it. Its just MLG so people know that that's what kind of weapons SHOULD be used in play There are weapons. 4 Carbines, 4 BRs, 2 maulers, 2 Snipers, and 2 SMGs. ~Assassin
I'm sorry but I've never seen SMG's on a MLG map. Replace with plasma pistols imo and put maybe only 1 sniper or none at all because snipers generally dont work well in MLG maps forged on Foundry
Look at it this way, it is my first "actually MAP" I have made 2 OK ones from scratch. Links below, but they aren't that good from order i would go 1. JELLO 2. MLG Cubed 3. Area117 4. 4 L3V3LS (Blegh) Thanks, see this is ONLY a beta. For suggestions like his ~Assassin also, anyone wants to play a couple games on it that'll be cool. Headset isn't working right now . Hit me up with a friend request. I'm about to start in a couple mins
I know many people have said this already and im just repeating what they said but your interlocking just a tiny bit sloppy for a very well thought out MLG map for one thing maby you could flip over the bridges so that it is a lot smoother and it is not hard to walk across and geomerging those stairs at the bottom level could be nice to make it a little less claustraphobic for the players using this. and your wepons are a little bit on the sloppy side it looks like you did not think out your weapon placement so if your planning on making a version 2 i would use some of the tips i gave you and probably other people to.
i agree. its pretty gersh dern small!maybe it just needs moar pics. if you stand in the middle and get a br it looks like u can just spawn 4 shot-kill every one. no asthetics. also slopppppppy! 3/10
Did you even read the description... Its a beta. V1 Hasn't even been released.. I will update in future..!!! I will prob get update done tomorrow because there is not School tomorrow!
Oh and also, I was lookin' at some maps the other day, happened to get sidetracked...and ended up on your funnies page .. especially like the Missle, and the "bungie, i found a glitch" ~Assassin
It's unorthodox for an MLG map, but I like that. MLG maps are so plain and boring to look at. Believe it or not, there are some of us that are not MLG fanatics but like to play on MLG variants. Technically you could classify us as the Social MLG crowd (hahaha) and if we make a map that follows the basics of MLG rules then we shouldn't be harassed by the obsessed (especially since most of these maps will be played solely in custom matches). I do think the map looks a bit small though, but maybe it's just the picture. I like it, keep up the good work.
Thanks man, Thats EXACTLY what I was aiming for! I HATE hyper MLG fans.. They are usually not even good anyway.. I just wanted to follow the concept of MLG, because I believe it is more "skill based" and it is more faie, (no rocket noobs ) I was aiming for a Socia MLG type, for lack of better terms
it was an idea.. I created it to see if it worked, I may use the same type of thing in a future map, It is basiclly a "test" to see if it works or not.. Just wanted to do something for fun. And i usually do touch ups later because i find that when I do touchups, I often get frustrated because it sometimes doesnt work. So i do them at the end, so everything else still works, and still is "Playable" so if i decide to stop, i will still be able to play on it..
Reported for SEVERAL double, and even triple posts. I don't have sympathy for first-time posters: it's their obligation to read the rules like anyone else. I like the concept of being unique with a MLG map, and not making it look like every other map. However, this map was poorly executed. It's sloppy, the mauler was a poor choice for such a confined map. I'd work on a V2 with smoother interlocking (I hate to say it, but it matters in MLG maps especcially), and I'd replace the mauler.