Blood Gulch returns: Cold Gulch

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Sarge Explosion, Nov 10, 2008.

  1. Sarge Explosion

    Sarge Explosion Ancient
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    Cold Gulch
    Created by Sarge Explosion

    Supported Gametypes:
    CTF, Assault, King of the Hill, and Territories
    Map Description
    This map was created in memory of the classic Blood Gulch from Halo CE and adapted to Avalanche. There are two bases modeled after the red and blue bases and they are placed opposite each other on ice.

    Each base has:
    1 ghost, 2 warthogs, 1 banshee, 1 sniper rifle, 1 carbine(replaces pistol), 1 smg(replaces plasma rifle), 2 shotguns, 1 battle rifle, 4 frag grenades, and a teleport to an area just outside the central cave.
    The Center Cave has:
    1 rocket launcher(Red side), 1 overshield, 1 Fuel Rod Gun(Blue side), 1 flamethrower, and 1 needler
    There is also a camouflage in the field between the two bases.

    In the supported CTF game posted at the bottom:
    vehicles are indestructible, 3 scores to win, no time limit
    Also: You start out with an assault rifle and a magnum!

    The map was designed to feel like Blood Gulch games online in Halo CE. Hopefully you get that feeling and if not, please comment and give me specific suggestions on how to make it better. =D


    Cold Gulch Overview

    Blue Base

    Red Base

    Blue teleport outlet

    Red teleport outlet

    Overhead view of a Base

    Center Cave


    This took in all about 20 hours to complete with much revising. To create the bases I had to use floating, merging, and repeated trial and error. Hope you enjoy the hard work. Now go get that flag!

    Download MAP Cold Gulch
    Download Blood Gulch CTF



    After a few hours of watching this thread and reading suggestions, I hit the ground running! I am already hard at work on a Cold Gulch V2 and as I've been told, there are many things to fix. Some weapons will disappear, others will get more ammo, new "bumps" in the open snow will appear, the back bases will be blocked off, the cave will get an update, more vehicle options and possibly the most difficult part: A wall to block off the unnecessary open space!

    I am pretty psyched to work on V2 and hopefully you can give me suggestions/help on the wall. Probably alot of geomerging to be done.
    #1 Sarge Explosion, Nov 10, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2008
  2. Sarge Explosion

    Sarge Explosion Ancient
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    oops. Sorry for the double post!
    #2 Sarge Explosion, Nov 10, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2008
  3. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Ok, I see you have double posted by accident. Just ask a moderator to delete the other thread and leave this one as it is.

    On to the map, the map looks good, the bases look like the ones from Halo:CE. However, can you not buy a magnum on Avalanche? If so, why did you replace it with a Carbine? If not, it does'nt matter. I rate the map 4.2/5 However, in the middle battle ground, it's too open, place down some objects for defence for people to hide behind for cover. Try Geo-merging boxes and other things so it'll make the map cooler looking. I'm going to download the map anyways and see how good it is from my own view, +rep for you my friend.

    EDIT: Check my sig and you'll see what you just done above me, that's called double posting. It's against the rules BTW.
    #3 STEClash96, Nov 10, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2008
  4. Sarge Explosion

    Sarge Explosion Ancient
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    Thanks! I would like to get the messed up thread fixed asap, how do I contact a mod? also i forgot to mention that you start out with an assault rifle and a magnum. I replaced the magnum on the base with a carbine because i figured no one would really use the magnum and then what would be the point of more ammo.(as you can see I miss Halo CE pistols =D)

    Edit: Woops on the double post ~ Sorry! Don't Kill Me!
  5. s3anz2

    s3anz2 Ancient
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    Dude, nice work. This looks almost just like Blood Gulch. Only with a snow mod. Are the 2 main bases blocked off?
  6. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    Well this is a good idea but to be honest you should of done it in a more scenic area, Yeah I know its hard to work with but if you stick with it you'll have an awesome map!
  7. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    this looks good are the back bases blocked off??

    Also im gonna dl because it looks goood from the pictures and it does accurately remind me of blood gulch so good job on the remake

    Edit: i played it and ummm it really didnt give me the blood gulch feel many things are way ouy of proportion and it is too spread out im sorry but imo this is not that good of a remake. Good try though
    #7 Resix, Nov 10, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2008
  8. Bleet Tameheart

    Bleet Tameheart Ancient
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    Took a brief look around on the map and...

    Well, first, and the main thing that's really confused me is the fact that you have the entire map open. I'd imagine it would be slightly better if you rather just blocked off half the map and worked that way, instead of having the Blood Gulch "bases" near the cliff. I mean, sure, you don't get such clean lines of sight (which will probably make it more reminiscent of Coagulation), but it still stands.

    I understand that with the banshees, it makes it easier to jump any wall that you build, so you might want to consider removing those, and maintain the feel of a slightly smaller Blood Gulch from the Xbox, rather then the PC.

    Plus, I've noticed that you didn't even bother blocking off the actual bases, which I thought was just a mistake, maybe in your rush that you left that open by accident.

    Then, it seems that you put weapons out there to try to lure people that way. It just seems sort of a waste. I can understand how you're trying to maintain the feel of the caves and such, but (pardon the pun), I'm just not feeling it.

    Pretty much, the only real positive thing that I like about this map is the actual blood gulch bases. You did a pretty good job maintaining the look and playability of it. Also, nice way of using the watch towers as the ramps to get up either side. Also, the bumps were there, but not overly abundant, as I would expect, so I've got to give you that.

    Ultimately though, this map is in dire need of not just an upgrade, it needs an absolute total reworking, right down to the idea of how you're going to pull it off. I know that Avalanche is not an ideal canvas, but if you do take some of this into consideration, you could have a great map in the end.
  9. Sarge Explosion

    Sarge Explosion Ancient
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    About reworking

    Ok, this is what I was looking for. Feedback and suggestions! Thank you for checking it out. I do like your idea of blocking off the half of the map that is not in use. I will attempt to do that and I think I'll make a version without banshees. I can't guarantee that the other half will be inaccessible as it would mean making a REALLY big wall, but I'll try to at least use energy blockers to block off the original avalanche bases.

    The reason the blood gulch bases are so close together is because they are in the only reasonably flat spaces on the map. I originally tried to put both of them closer to their respective wall bases (Avalanche bases) but the ice and snow around there is completely uneven and the exits and ramps to the bases would be right up against Stalagmites and trees and such.

    If anyone would like to take a crack at it, I'd love it if you sent your work to me and maybe I could use your methods to better this thing. Also any super specific changes are always appreciated.

    As for the slight bumps in the bases: This was the first map I ever used floating and merging on and I got better as I went on. Red base was made first and then making Blue base took even longer because I had to get it just right and make it reasonably similar in size and scale to the original.

    Wow, would it be nice if I could move the entire base wherever I wanted. But, alas, it isn't meant to be.
    So, thanks everyone. Keep me posted on your work and I might be able to come out with a V2!
  10. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I wish I knew what Blood Gulch looked like. I didn't play Halo: CE

    The map looks clean though, but the Fuel Rod Gun sounds a bit overpowering.
  11. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    This is actuallya pretty good attempt at Blood Gultch. Maybe beride the interior cave section and it willl be more like it. With some leftover double boxes you could probably make some cool caves on the side as well, but that's just a suggestion. The bases are really good, I know exactly what you were going for. Overall you did a good job on this.

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