Alright, so you probably noticed that the Screenshot Competition has ''evolved''. Now, it's no longer going to be just ''take a picture of you killing someone with a cool/funny gamertag''. Now, every week, we're going to have different themes, objectives. Like for example, it could be one time, just take a picture of someone in a vehicle. But that's a really lame idea. So I need your help to give me suggestions for the next Screenshots Competitions. Ultimately, I get the final say on what the theme will be, but you all with have a lot of influence. Dont even worry about that. This thread will always be open, even while competitions take place, so we can get ideas for the next ones, and so on and so forth. So, please, any ideas?
Best picture of cones. CaMoFo should have this one in the bag. Lol. Just a funny set up picture of cones or humans doing something funny or representing something.
I have a good one. "In the Snow" week - must be taken on Snowbound, Avalanche, or the non-hog part of the level "Halo."
Like the ideas so far. Keep them coming. The judging system failed, remember? Now we have voting threads. Unless I find out a more effective way to use judges. Wanna know somethnig funny too? 2 out of the 3 guys that were tied in first place after I got the votes from the judges didnt even get close to 3rd place. lol. Just to let you know, they're always going to be at least a two week long competition. Sometimes I cant get on on a week, so I like giving people some more time. Maybe a month is too much, but just a week is too little.
How about a more vague theme, such as "explosions" or something a little less vague, a certain weapon must be in the picture.
Why can't a theme be "Re-creation". You know, supply a picture of something old, and we should be given a chance to create it using halo 3.
how about: glitches Dejavu elites brutes grunts covenant buildings pictures that tell a story snipers hiding infection RvB or the recreation thing, like a pic of mona lisa (PLEASE DONT DO THAT ONE) and we have to make it in halo 3! idk. just ideas
Okay, come Sunday I'm deciding which objective will be used. If you have any suggestions left, please let me know. This thread will still be open though, even during the competitions, so you can give suggestions for the next competitions, etc.
or just matchmaking, y'know, the funniest thing you've ever seen/done on matchmaking... of course it could have been faked