CONTRAST Created by DethDan [br] Supported Gametypes: All Gametypes [br] Map Description There are two basic sides to this map (hence the name Contrast). One side is a dense maze of boxes. If a player manages to escape, they will find themselves in a large open warehouse with little cover. In most gametypes, like Slayer, all players start inside the boxed in side. In asymmetrical gametypes, such as one bomb, the attacking team will start in the open warehouse and the defending team will start at the highest point on the map, which serves as a sniping post to some degree. Under the sniping post, there is a stronghold accessible from the outside. It is armed with turret, rocket launcher and bubble shield, as well as a Mongoose just for kicks. However a well placed grenade can detonate the fusion coils in the back of the box and explode the whole stronghold. Weapons and Equipment: Assault Rifle: 2 Battle Rifle: 7 Shotgun: 3 Sniper Rifle: 2 SMG: 4 Spiker: 2 Plasma Rifle: 2 Needler: 2 Brute Shot: 2 Rocket Launcher: 1 Spartan Laser: 1 Energy Sword: 1 Gravity Hammer: 1 Covenant Carbine: 3 Mauler: 2 Beam Rifle: 1 Machine Gun Turret: 1 Frag Grenades: 12 Plasma Grenades: 18 Spike Grenades: 8 Firebomb Grenades: 3 Bubble Shield: 1 Power Drain: 1 Trip Mine: 1 Regenerator: 1 Radar Jammer: 1 Flare: 1 Deployable Cover: 1 Overshields: 1 Active Camo: 1 Mongoose: 1 [br] _________________________________________________ [br] View from outside [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] Watch that sniping post [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] View from inside [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] One entrance to the sniping post [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] Another view from inside [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] Can't find an exit? Break open your own [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] Another view from inside [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] The stronghold's weakness is exposed [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] _________________________________________________ [br] As this is my first map, it's probably not perfect. I spent a lot of time working out the details and making everything balanced and aesthetically attractive. I'm guessing that the weapon placement probably needs some tweaking. Feel free to give me any suggestions to improve it. [br] Download Contrast [br]
hhmmm... Cant really decide which gamtype would go good with it. I think that maybe a list of all of the weapons in the map would help with getting to know the map better. I cant say much about the map, besides the fact that I like the "Contrast" of the whole geometry of the map. Try interlocking some of the containers and such to make the map look like it has a much more smoother flow.
Its built for all gametypes but in my opinion, it works best for Slayer, Team Slayer, and asymmetric games, like One Bomb. It was hard to get good pictures of the inside because there isn't a lot of space to get a picture that captures a lot of the map in it, so just keep that in mind. Also, I added a list of weapons and equipment to my first post. Thanks for the suggestions.
i made it over the course of a week or two, so probably around 20 hours. Most of the work was tinkering with the objectives and weapon placement. At one point I had to pull up half the map because one of the default bomb placements was under a box. >=( thanks for the dl
It looks pretty good but I have a pet peeve with the sniper picture. It actually looks like the player that has the sniper is using the fact that you haven't aligned the scenery to his advantage. He is using that little gap to shoot at you and I don't think that you made that gap on purpose. Do you know about the Interlocking technique? Peace // gorebound
yeah, i know about it, but i put the gap there on purpose because i wanted a few gaps for sniping and i wasnt sure how to do that without making it a little sloppy. but yeah, it bugs me a little too
you can't really tell what this map is all about from these pics. They are all close-ups of people. Can you maybe post 1 that is an overview of the entire map or something?
so does most of the game play happen in this maze part? or is it like two sided. i actually like the whole 'pop out of nowhere' feel when i play close encounter area's like maze's. lol
I'm nto to sure about this map. It really needs to be updated with current techniques like interlocking before being posted. Keeping your map up to date is very important. - Brute Captain
Yeah, i had some trouble getting a good pic of the inside because its so crammed and there isnt a good way to include a lot of the map in the pic. But i'll see if i can get a few better ones. and im not really sure where most of the game takes place since i haven't gotten the chance to play test it a whole lot. But i designed it so that a player can choose the area where he is most comfortable. However, all the spawn points are inside the maze, so if a player wants to get outside, they'll have to find their way out first and Brute Captain, are there any places you would recommend i could interlock some objects? I know how, im just not sure where to do it