This special group of Elites are the strongest, the bravest, and the...... wait. Who picked out the colors!? Here is the link:
this is fail. there is no pink, or brown, obviously the best ones ever also. lol well it would be better if they are doing something or other... y'know?
elites aren't trained to use spartan laser what ws he thinking 2.7 out of 5 just because he had that lazer and he didnt even know it was there some spartan put it there as a joke to the elite race
wow you guys dont get it read the caption. They are supposed to be the best elites and their dressed in rainbow...Rainbow=Gay...get now laugh or ill think your
That's pretty cool. The shot itself is nothing special but I really like your captions. Very creative and it actually looks pretty cool.
Thank you for figuring it out. There was, in fact, secret meaning to this screenshot. (Elites are gay)