Deku Nut's Palace

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by fLRedSpade, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. fLRedSpade

    fLRedSpade Ancient
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    Deku Nut's Palace
    created by: fL Red Spade x

    Description: Deku Nut's Palace map variant has nothing to do with the map on Zelda:Majora's Mask(sorry Zelda fans). However it was prooven to be extraordianarly fun with any Halo 3 gametype. It is playable with any game variant but it was made for 1 bomb( their is no specific game variant). Before it was going to be forged, or yet, even thought of, it was going to be called The Sanchez (my last name) but i decided not to because of all the bad comments. You were soppose to be this family trying to stop Bungie from world domination (lol), and the Attackers' (blue team) main objective was.....well to stop you. Recomended gametype: 1 bomb. (remember. also works with CTF, infection, etc.)

    weapons on map
    • 2 snipers
    • 2 carbines
    • 8 Battle R.
    • 1 Rocket launcher
    • 1 mauler
    • 1 brute shot
    • 1 needler
    Now for some pics of...[​IMG][​IMG]
    This is where defenders spawn
    Now, for some epic pics!
    King of the Hill[​IMG][​IMG](reminder, that their is a CP on the attackers' side for bomb planters)[​IMG]

    Download Deku Nut's Palace
  2. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    im glad you have pictures and all but the pics dont show the map very well i dont have a good idea of the layout. I also would cut back on the pic effects just because they are kinda destracting
  3. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    Ok there seems to be a lot more to this map then the pics are showing me, that my friend is a problem...... hint hint more pics! I like the layout of this map, and the actual forging skill put into it. When I looked at the first pic that three fence wall structure stood out to me, just saying! Though this map is good and the post is good, WHY THE HELL did you put the effect on almost every pic, my eyes were really bothering me and there was no need too! Otherwise this map is really good and the gameplay seems to be good!

  4. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    This actually looks like a really nice map.From the pics you focused more on gameplay than showing off your wonderful map.Like others,i say that you add 4 or 5 more pictures.Try to take some pics showing most of the map.IF you do this it will be much better.See ya,nice map
  5. fLRedSpade

    fLRedSpade Ancient
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    lol ok, this actually the first map ive done it to, my other maps are set default :)
  6. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    cool map, looks like an all around good play. what i am more impressed with is your post; a very good description combined with sick-nasty screenshots that have an awsome blur effect. im definitely going to do that to the pictures for my next map. bravo. 4.5/5 for the map, 5/5 for the post
  7. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    It looks like you put a lot of thought into the layout of the main structure.It seems very well thought out, and its complexity is intriguing.
    I like the variety of objects (bridges, boxes, walls, fence walls, signs, power ups, teleporters, doors, weapon holders, and barriers to name a few) and angles you used to create it and make it interesting. It is rather ascetically pleasing.
    I dl.
  8. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    DANG IT! ive managed to keep my puzzle maps for soooo long, but this maps has tempted me to delete them just to have room on my HD....

    nice job red spade,when i get a game ill try to let you know how gameplay is. =)

    EDIT: alright i havent gotton a game on this yet, but its because im scared...
    since i test maps in TS, this map could easily ruin the party for one reason only, the shottie and sniper...
    with a 30 second respawn rate inside the very close quartered "palace" one person is likely to get something close to a...running they could just drip-feed themselves on shottie ammo. and the same can be true for the sniper-rifle.
    as far as geometry goes, there are quite a few minor bumps that could use adjustment. try to fix some of this in a V2...
  9. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    This thread was really misleading. i was hoping to be able to play on the remake of that palace which was so awesome. I remember having to get through it using those magic beans...... Anyway this map actually has some interesting structures. Although the camo and overshield are over done they still look nice. 4.1/10
  10. fLRedSpade

    fLRedSpade Ancient
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    didnt you read the description, and uhm y such a bad rate? come on now

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