This is a map i made called Base wars. This is base 1. This is base two This is Behind Base 1 To watch a vidio click The following
This map look OK but not legend i would download it because of its precise interlocking and merging! This map would also be fun for infection or capture the flag, heck even all slayer based maps. Good job i like the outer structure of base 1 but mostly the inside of it is whats really amazing!!!!
i dont get it. is hteir two maps cuz your title says map pack. Anywya i think the map could use some work. I am one of those guys who hate wide open maps. Maybe make a v2 and put some stuff in the middle and you will have my dl.
Now this post is very very short. It has a few pics better than none! The descriptions should be longer, as I know nothing about your map as I type! The first map looks good..... wait there is only one map... WTF, this was called "map pack"! I think you should edit the name of your post. Otherwise the one map looks good and seem to have good gameplay, but needs much much more cover throughout it! Okay post and okay maps. -Irish