Crescendo v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Adelyss, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Crescendo v2
    Creator: Adelyss

    Crescendo: An increase in dynamics that builds up over some length of time.

    Download Crescendo

    Version 2 Fixes
    Fixed all the spawn problems.
    Added shotgun where Sniper was.
    Moved Sniper to over by the arch corner and it is a beam rifle now.
    Added more BR's.
    The Custom Power up that activates the switch is now a overshield and spawns every 120 seconds.
    Other movement of items around the map.


    I will tell you right off the bat this map was inspired by Curbstomp, only in with the cat walk structures and the mound underneath them.

    This map took me roughly 16-17 hours to create through the forging and testing and re-forging, and I must say it turned out pretty good. The overall feel of the map was supposed to be a forerunner construction site, with the cranes if you would call them and the pillars. The main pillar does have a switch in it, its a basic switch but what it does is that when you grab the custom power up at the bottom it blows up around 4-5 pallets and makes them spawn around the pillar acting like steps to get the the top. You now can climb up to get a really high height advantage on your opponents.

    Weapon List

    Battle Rifle 8x, 20 Seconds, 2 Clips
    Plasma Pistol 1x, 90 Seconds
    Plasma Rifle 2x, 60 Seconds
    SMG 1x, 90 Seconds, 2 Clips
    Beam Rifle 1x, 150 Seconds, 1 Clip
    Shotgun 1x, 120 Seconds, 0 Clips
    Needler 1x, 120 Seconds, 2 Clips
    Carbine 2x, 60 Seconds, 2 Clips

    Frag Grenades 4x, 20 Seconds
    Plasma Grenades 4x, 30 Seconds

    Bubble Shield 1x, 120 Seconds
    Power Drain 1x, 120 Seconds
    Gravity Lift 1x, 120 Seconds

    Overshield 1x, 120 Seconds

    Crescendo Plays best with 3v3-4v4, though all game types are supported

    These pictures are still from the first version...Only a little bit has changed so It was not important to put new pictures.


    Bubble Shield Corner

    Attackers Spawn Overview

    Defenders Spawn Overview

    Arch Corner

    Attackers Spawn, A Closer Look

    How the Switch works

    Switch not Activated, to activate it you must go to the bottom of the pillar and grab the custom power up, when you grab the power up it lets a fusion coil go and blows up 5 pallets. Now since the pallets are on a max-min switch the pallets are force spawned around the pillar.

    Now the pallets are spawned making it possible to jump up around them

    Download Crescendo

  2. sovereignFear

    sovereignFear Ancient
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    this is a very unique map, i love the tall structures
  3. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    I remember playing this map a couple weeks ago.
    Well, maybe not that long, but I remember.

    I have to say, this is one of the most aesthetically pleasing maps I have seen. Not to mention the gameplay is pretty great too!
    The layout works very well, as do the spawns.
    The only real think I disliked, and really wasn't a huge deal, were the jumps.
    In order to get to many places, players were forced to jump and jump again. Ramps usually take care of this, but I didn't see very many at all in this.
    But, it still played very well, and I liked the use of vertical space.

    Great post, great map, great job!
  4. Re Amplify

    Re Amplify Ancient
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    This map is crazy amazing. You have some nice forging skills right there. I love the layout, it seems like it fits perfect with the style of the map. You have some great structures added on this map.
  5. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Wow this new version epic failed...Thanks guys to the ones who commented. I do really think you others should give it a try...everyone I played with with the testing loved it.
  6. wapproce

    wapproce Ancient
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    epic map i decided to post cause no one else did... to be honest tho i think its personally better then curbstomp keep up the good work =]

    btw mines still qued for tommarow so dont think i lied
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    One of my favorite things about competitive maps that some people use are very unique towers that you can snipe off of. I like that you added this to your map because it allows more freedom for gameplay.
    Very Nice job on the post and the map
  8. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I think you should make a note in your OP that the sniper has been replaced with a shotgun (like above the pics. --I know you've stated else where in it). ;)

    Other than that, this map is really fun and well made. Good job.
  9. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    wow, a shhhhweeet map, just got a little bit shweeter. i loved the first version, aside from a few spawn issues, and also a slightly faltered weapon layout, but this version i know is much better, since vorpal has worked on it with you, hes good with this kinda stuff. you have my download again Adelyss. again you have forced my rude. im giving you negative rep for makin me work so hard btw.
  10. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    A wonderful map Adelyss. I loved the first version, even with a few problems here and there. And I loved the brief amount of time I was able to play on v2.

    My only complaint would be that some jumps are difficult to pull off... such as the pallets going around the double box... but, I got used to it after awhile.

    I love all of the structures, even if they aren't any new ideas. The map's layout is just terrific, hands down. I can't wait to get a couple more games on this since I didn't get to play it too much the other day.
  11. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Nice, there's a v2.

    I remember playing on this map with Vorpal Saint, IVIercinator and some other guys I don't know. We played one bomb and I got pissed because one guy betrayed me to get the Sniper.

    Anyway.......nice map, I'm glad you fixed some stuff. I will obviously download this. Great job.
  12. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Thanks again guys, I thought this was going to die off within the first few hours of posting lol.

    I'll also go do that Vorpal, and yes this version plays a lot better.

    Also you may do a lot of jumping but I think thats what I like about this map the most but idk thats just me.
  13. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    I played this map not that long ago with you, Vorpal, Inferior, Phreakie, and a bunch of other guys. It really played nicely and overall, it was an excellent map.

    Aesthetics: This map features some amazing aesthetics. I love how you used tall pillars around the maps with the staircase-bridge combos used as ledges and walkways. One of the parts of the map that I liked the most was the defenders spawn area. It looks beautifully interlocked and the general layout of it was awesome. This map also has quite a few of those double boxes and single boxes interlocked and merged to make a staircase like structure. They look amazing and add cover and more structures to the map. I also like how there is not one central focal point but a lot of structures that flow together to form a seamless and beautiful layout. Another thing is the back wall is nicely put together and the rest of the map flows from it. There are structures that come out from the wall that add to the beauty of the map. Also, the wall is made out of an interesting choice of objects. Most walls that you see are made up of double boxes in a straight line with maybe a few bridges or fence boxes thrown in. Your map has a wall made up mainly of walls and a few fence boxes. It also does not have any definite shape, it has angles that keep it from looking flat and boring. Every part of the map looks like it was made with great care and with aesthetics in mind.

    Gameplay: This map not only looks great but it plays great as well. The pillars provide ample cover but they also allow you to add vertically to the map. There are many catwalks and ledges over the rest of the map that help keep the fighting maoving and not centered in one specific location. Also, neither of the bases are overpowering and neither one is overly important to the map either. The gameplay is kept mainly in the open areas down at the bottom which provide excellent BRing but also allows for use of the AR. There is a lot of jumping in the map as was stated before but that jumping does not take away from the fum of the map. You can always find people on different structures that all have limited view of the map as a whole to keep them from dominating the map and keeping it from being a "control this area and get 40 kills" kind of map. Overall, the gameplay was fast paces and fun and made me want to play again and again.

    Weapons: The weapons on this map were layed out very well. I played when there was a beam rifle up on the top ledge as opposed to a shotgun. The sniper was powerful but not overly powerful and replacing it with a shotgun only helped out the gameplay. There are quite a number of BR's spread throughout the map. That keeps the game from becoming a massive AR fest and keeps the gameplay at a more mid ranged level rather than short ranged AR followed by a melee short range. The weapons are very balanced and play out well. The only thing is I'm pretty sure the overshield spawns a bit closer to the defenders which gives them just a small advantage in the beggining. Overall, the weapons are layed out very nicely.

    Spawns: The spawns on this map work very nicely. I never found myself spawning right next to people or being spawn killed. Even with four teams the map kept the spawning from causing instant deaths because of a close proximity spawn. The map gameplay flowed well the whole time without me ever experiencing a spawn realted incident. Very well placed spawns.

    Overall this is one of the better maps I have played. I really enjoyed it. Great job Adelyss.
    #13 Orphanslayer92, Nov 10, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2008
  14. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Omgah, in other words omg...I'm pretty sure this is the best post I've seen anywhere on FH.

    Anyways thanks a lot for all this, I do agree that the overshield does spawn a little bit closer to the defenders but there really never was thought of putting one there until Vorpal got a hold of it and said it would be better to switch it from a custom power up to a overshield so it would be used.

    Also though the spawns in this version are sooo much better than v1 you would spawn by people all the I would like to thank Vorpal Saint for helping me out with that.

    More feedback would be great guys.
  15. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    I'm sorry to see that this map has gone almost unnoticed. It really is one of the better maps I have played and, in my opinion, deserves a feature (or at least more than 14 replies). I really commend you for making such an excellent map Adelyss. I recomend that anyone should download and try out this map.
  16. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Wow I thought this was death after my last post...I guess not.

    I do agree with you though matt, not just because I am the owner of the map but I do believe the people who look at the post should Download it and try it, Everyone who has played on it has loved it.. Vorpal Saint, Metallicsnake, and others active members from ForgeHub.
  17. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    I was playing on this today and it seemed to work great, I love how you can get the drop on enemys using the high advantages. The v2 is alot better in my opinion, keep up the good work.
  18. wapproce

    wapproce Ancient
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    lol... a good way to not have your post die out so fast is post your maps over the summer thats when everyones pretty much on i mean befor school.... i rember the box of players use to be this huge rectangle now its this little square maby winter break might change thing..
  19. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Well considering I didn't make this map after Summer I don't have that option lol. Well if this map is good then members should reply to it and it did get a fairly good amount of good reviews and replies, its just that it died out so fast.

    So thank you for your reply.
  20. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    I really liked how you used some of the staircases in this map. It was a pretty good idea. The gameplay was pretty smooth too. This is definitely one of your better maps. Although I liked Amnesty a lot, I'd take this map over that one any day. Can't wait to see what's next for you in forge. Keep it up.

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