UNSC Battlestorm

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by D4ni3l G, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    The avalanche frigate




    This map is a frigate on avalanche called UNSC-D43-BATTLESTORM - it is a lightly armed transport craft mainly used for transport of high ranked UNSC officials or VIPs. the ship is inerlocked in places and has a cockpit, a viewing platform and a main room. the main way to get into the ship is in the back, up a ramp. The ship took about 4 hours to make and an hour to touch up and improve.


    Battlestorm was originally built as a transport ship for high priorty tasks during the last few months of the war aginst the covenant, carrying important people through high risk areas. now, in 2554, with the UNSC on the edge victory over the remaining covenant forces and many VIPs such as spartan 117, Commander keyes and Johnson, KIA or missing in action, Battlestorm's uses are all but diminished.
    Therefore, command has decided that the frigate shall be sent to the front lines and used as an assault ship to push an attack on the last of the coventant forces. The weaponry on the ship is only light, and weak when compared to that of the awe-inspiring coventant ships - so command is sending two heavily armed escort ships to go alongside.
    Before the attack can be launtched however UNSC Battlestorm must get supplies from a remote snowy planet where the UNSC has placed a docking station. This is likely to be her last time on the surface, this could be her last voyage...

  2. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    this map was already posted wasn't it???
    im confuzled... :S
    whait... no...

    this map is very cool, but very un-original....
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many
    many many many many

    maps are like this one...

    its kinda cool, butotherwise its just another ship...
  3. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i dont know if you have ever tried but ships are very hard to make and each one is individual. please dont post such bad comments before you have played the map, especially if your'e going to spam.
  4. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I agree with you there. It takes a lot of skill to make a ship (coming from someone who' attempted) and the design is still great. The levels used in the ship are nice, as is the ramp leading up.

    As for the aesthetics, the table inside is a vaguely cheesy touch but nevertheless well thought out. The mini base thing/smaller ship(?) on the floor adds more feel to the vehicle transport frigate too.

    Overall, it may be unoriginal, however, it is well laid out and any ship is unique. Good job ;) 4/5
  5. xLMSxTRiLoGY

    xLMSxTRiLoGY Ancient
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    I agree with you, I once tried making a ship but failed miserably at it.

    If this is your first attempt at making a ship map, very well done.
    I like the tables inside the ship it makes it more like a work place than just a fighter/war ship.

    4/5 (Would Be 5/5 is there were a few more ideas put into it)

    I will download this and give it a close inspection just in case i change my mind.
  6. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    I think that you are over-exaggerating. In fact, this is the first ship in a while, and it looks like a great one. I especially like the tables. They remind me of when I was a kid and I played with LEGOS. Well Done!
  7. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    1) It is not spam, im critiquing your map...

    2) I have tried to make a ship, and you're right, it is very hard to do...
    If you'll notice I never said anything about that it wasn't hard, cause it is,
    I was clearly stating that it is very un-original...
    ex.) the back where the is a energy blocker to make an engine
    the shape, and the method to get onto the ship...

    3) I was being hard on you?
    no sir, I was just stating my mind. Ships are fun to look at and fun to be inside, but sadly enough, they make for bad gameplay, because you either have to fly up to the ship, teleport to the ship, or man cannon up to the ship... Similar to that of infection games where the humans are normal, but zombies are very easy to kill.
    It's kind of 1 sided...

    If you happen to make a 2 ship level with a connecting bridges, I would surely be astonished...

    maybe thats a challenge, ;)

    The Aesthetics are wonderful, but the general idea for gameplay = not so much.

    Good Aesthetics, Good Post, Not so Good game

    and the tables remind me of LEGOs too haha :]
  8. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    They are a pain in the rear end to make, and take forever to get everything in position properly.

    Nice ship, i like the table in the interior. I don't really like the two little things sticking out in front, but other than that its a good ship.
  9. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    She is a beaut, the ship that is, it looks nice from the outside, but a real nice thing is the details on the inside. Like the little table

    But here's a hint, unless the little dots are making a image, please do not use forge to take your pictures. Just make a slayer match and do it, it takes about an extra minute and makes the overall picture quality much better.

    Added note: I just noticed, you don't have any tags. If you want people to find this easier, you should probably add some tags. Like, ship, aesthetic, etc....
    #9 Pwner Trainie, Nov 3, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2008
  10. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    WOAH WOAH WOAH HOLD ON! THIS MAP HAZ ALREADY BEEN POSTED! http://www.forgehub.com/forum/aesthetic-maps/39821-unsc-d43-battlestorm.html I know an aesthetic map that's been double posted when I see it, and BOOM HEADSHOT does it make me mad. and of all the great shipmakers to double post, D4NI3L G!!! You sicken me, dude. I don't see V2 in this entire map post, so >:U. You can call this spam, but this map used to be a 5/5. Now, I wouldn't even dare rate it above 0 due to the evidence of double post. if FH calls this post of mine spam, then go ride the waaaahmbulance, or just click this link: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/aesthetic-maps/39821-unsc-d43-battlestorm.html
  11. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah Ive seen this map before QFTW ^^^^^^
  12. Zeta Arcadee

    Zeta Arcadee Ancient
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    An unoriginal idea. But it's a nice ship and some nice touches. Good job!
  13. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    even if he did double post it, some people haven't seen it, and maybe they wanted to see something like this. It looks great, may be unoriginal, but is still really cool looking. I have tried to make a ship on avalanche, and I found it to be really hard, and it took way too long for my patience to make it. 5/5, but try not to do double posts.
  14. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    i like it the inside is clever none of my ships come out this good however alot of ships have the same exterior design with the two things coming out the front and the cockpit but that still doesnt mean doesnt look good also i cant tell if that was a smaller ship on the ground in the pic 2 or not can someone tell me
  15. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
    Senior Member

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    as far as im' aware (and thats quite far - ive just looked the rules up and down) nothing here is against the rules. my last post was long dead, and anyone posting on it would be infracted for necroposting. For those of you claiming im "double posting" *ahem* Bobguy13, here is a definition of double posting:

    Double Posting, A Closer Look

    Double posting: posting back to back, with no reply in between. To prevent possible trouble from doing this, simply edit your original post, and if you catch you already double posted, you can actually delete your double in the "Go Advanced" part of the edit section. Triple posting would obviously be, posting back to back to back. Quadruple posting...One worse...Though, all of these are equally bad.

    So clearly im not Double Posting. The main reason i posted this map was for those who havent seen the first post to have the chance to add a coment and download it if they wish. Thanks to everyone for the great comments and tips, its appreciated =)
  16. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    By the way, noone really cares about the exact definition of double posting. Have most of the great mapmakers of halo 3 reposted their maps just to bump it? No. Dude, lots of people want people to see their maps and comment on them safely, but unlike a certain someone *ahem D4ni3l G, they have to sit there and wait for a nooby little **** to necro-post on their thread. Technically, this is not only a double post that you made, but a stupid attempt to bump your thread. There are two forms of double post in the maps section: one is the one you mentioned. the other is posting the same map twice. And even if you get the other thread locked, the only reason you should repost it is if you move it to another section. In case you are having trouble reading this long post, here's a simple list of the things you have done:
    1. Spam (double posting is a form of spam)
    2. Double post (duh.)
    3. Necro-bump through double post
    4. ADMITTED that you double posted just to bump your thread up
    5. made me make this list
  17. atc1995

    atc1995 Ancient
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    I havn't seen a frigate lately. This looks good but it could be a little more neat. I will give it a 4/5.
  18. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
    Senior Member

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    theres alot of these kinda maps but this is okay
  19. SK Caboose rvb

    SK Caboose rvb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    BURN... enough said.

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