So the earliest way to get the Mythic Maps is to buy the Halo Wars Collectible Edition ($80). Soon after its release, though, the maps will be available for purchase on XBL possibly for 800 ms points. I just realized there is a similar thread already posted: : Inside Bungie : News
Yes!!! Finally they tell us about the release date.But theres only 3 maps in the map pack, what about the other three There in the achievements
Uhhhh... Halo Wars sounds like a "chess " game of stratagy which does not go under my favorate things to do. I would rather mindless killing on user created maps, noscoping or tebagging. Either way Bungie's atempt to make more money on Halo 4 is futile because nobody is going to spend $80 to play 3 maps nomatter how epic they sound. I'll just wait for Mythic. Halo Wars isn't worth it in my opinion.
Thats funny because Halo originally began as an RTS....and then turned into a 3rd person shooter...and then finally turned into the first person shooter we all know and love. So if anything, Halo Wars is going back to the very origins of Halo.
This is true. Bungie said this in a behind the scenes thing i watched once. I love Starcraft, and i love halo, so theres no reason this spin off wont be amazing to me. I'll be getting it.
meh, im not a big RTS fan.. so ill have to wait for the mythic map pack. If Sandbx was gonna be in it, Id probably buy it.. but its not, so its a no go for me
On last nights update they also said that information about the maps will come out probably not on a friday, so probably a tuesday or thursday. As to the other 3 maps (heretic, longshore, and ummm the other one), they really didn't say when they will come out.
What's funny is Bungie isn't even making this game. This game may not be that great, I like RTS's, but this one has me skeptical if anything.
It looks pretty good from the pics I've seen, but its taking a long time which could be bad or good and also RTS's can get repetitive and stuff.
Jimbodawg, are you familiar with the Age of Empires series? Ensemble Studios, developer of the Age of Empire Series, is developing Halo Wars. Just check out the reception of Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings here.
Yes, I didn't know that they were making it. Nvm then, it's going to be great. Age of empires is never easy and really fun so halo will also be that good.
Yup, I know the whole back story of Bungie fairly well. I actually met the woman who does the cover art for the Halo games. She went to my girlfriend's art school in Chicago.
Halo Wars should be a decent game, given that Ensemble Studio's other games ranged from decent to excellent. But that's only speculation.
Well considering that they made age of empires, an amazing RTS, then I have very high hopes for halo wars
I really don't get why they made achievements that you have to have maps that aren't even out yet to get them. It's pretty dumb.