Crossfire: 1lines of fire from two or more positions that cross. 2 an energetic exchange as by opposing forces of opposing oppinions. DOWNLOAD CROSSFIRE V2 DOWNLOAD COBRA SQUAD Crossfire V2 is the second version of my terrible first map crossfire, but this time it isn't so terrible. call it a version two there is almost no similarities bettween both maps now. Since i am a much better forger now i can make better maps. And belive me the second version is better. Now on to the details. Crossfire is an infection map on the pit. It was a daily project so i don't expect it to get featured. That would be nice though. Mostly the point of this map is to prove that there is some hype in pre DLC maps. I already have a version 3 coming out which will be simply amazing. I will talk about the version three at the end of this thread. Humans start out in a tower. Zombies start out in the rocket area. The humans must make the most out of each base before the zombies push them back. They have four destinations to go to can they hold them off we'll see. When the humans get to the end they are given brute shots to defend for as long as they can. But will it be enough? //:Backstory:// Cobra squad did not know what they were getting into when they agreed to help brutally put down the Zombie threat. And why should they they could kill them from a distance wile the zombies had to be righ by you. And besides they are just doing their part to help. But the zombies don't care they just want to taste flesh. two nights past before cobra squad realized they were running out of ammo. They imeddiatly called for pelican support to get them out of that hell hole. While it was easy to kill zombies with rifles it was considerably harder with pistols. Cobra squad realized that they would die if they did not protect themselves better. So... they barricaded themselves in four easy to defend forts. And continuously helped fight the zombie invasion. Their magnum ammo would last untill the pelicans got there, but stoping the flow of zombies from reaching them was proving quite tough. One by one there fortresses started to fail. Black cobra could here their yells and screams in the distance. As their screams died more and more of the zombies attacked their base. Ten miniutes that is all it was. He couldn't die now when he was so close to salvation. oui, his teammate screamed as a zombie lunged at her and toke down the turret. But Black cobra didn't hear anything because their ears were flooded with the sound of gunfire as they fought for their lives. Ten miniutes! //ictures:// This map shows the player the four main forts in the order that they will visit them. Players start out on the right sniper tower and the take a teleporter to the sword room. From there they take a teleporter to the let sniper tower. Finally they take a teleporter to the oversheild tunnel. The point is for players to go very slowly by holding out the zombies well. This is a screenshot of the turret in the first tower. It is not as powerful as it looks. notice the fusion coils and propane tank. They help the humans prevent zombies from getting through one time. only once. This is the inside of the first sniper tower. notice that both windows were partly blocked off to avoid killing the zombies as soon as they leave their spawn. Jump into this teleporter to take you into the sword room. Here is an overview of the sword room. The only two ways in are the vents from the crates at the sides and the teleporter. Here is the inside of the sword room. I didn't want another picture just for this so. When you Enter through the teleporter use the gravity hammer to push a crate over it to prevent zombies from using the teleporter. Also use the mongooses to stall the zombies by cloging up he hallways. The teleporter on the left side takes you to the other sniper tower. I'm not going into detail on this sniper tower because it is symettrical to the other tower. Those things on the ground are gravity lifts not sure what's up with them though. From the sniper tower you end up here. It is easyer to defend than th other places as long as you put the crate over the teleporter. But can you last 1 on 5 or 4 or 3 or .......15 yah 15 zombies against one human, that seems about right. To be changed in version 3 I will post ideas for a version three here when i think of them. PLEASE COMMENT
Map Hey good job this is pretty good for a Pit map! I would change some things, first make sure that the zombies have cover from the turrets, second make it a little harder for the humans, and last throw in a middle base where the invisibility usually is!
Wow glad you liked it. On the version three i'm learning how to geomerge. so that i can make walkways leading up to the sniper tower. I di think of putting a base by invisibility or rockets but then i realized the scale of that area and thought it would be impossible to kill the zombies before they got to you. I am going to make a walkway going through this area though. Man this version three is going to kick-blam.