Gametypes Supported: Slayer, CTF (symmetric or asymmetric), KotH, One Bomb, Neutral Bomb Recommended Players: 4-8 Map Author: Squiiddish! Whoo! So, I was workin on a competitive map a couple weeks ago. I got it basically finished, and then made a discovery. COULD NOT PLACE ITEM. TOO MANY ON MAP. oh blam. So I go to this Forging 101 and look at how to break this. Unfortunately, this glitch doesn't work unless you're a mod or something (or maybe I'm just dumb), because I couldn't break the stupid limit. So I give up hope. I'm sticking this here so maybe somebody will help me get this glitch to work so I can finish that map =) ANYWAY, on to this one. I decided I was gonna do the impossible. I was gonna take a map NOBODY likes to play on and make it playable. I was gonna make this map enjoyable, and still fit for most of the gametypes people actually play. What map did I choose? Yep. The doomhole that is Epitaph. Fanaticism is an entirely asymmetrical map, built to work with basically every gametype under the sun. I have devised countless ways around the fact that this map has no immovable objects (and basically no cool objects AT ALL) and still managed to forge a very balanced and exciting map. One of the most unique features of this map is the usage of the symmetry options. The map is ENTIRELY different when you switch it from CTF to One Flag. -Asymmetric gametypes are player from the little lift right up the middle to the big lift, with the objective being on that little floating platform. However, most ways up to the lift have been blocked. Both entrances on ground level are sealed off, and the two mini-lifts that carry you up top have been stopped with teleporters. The only way up to the lift is to come in from the second level outside, and go down the walkways to the upper level of the lift. -Symmetric games are played completely perpendicular to this: straight across from one wing to the other. Both teams spawn on ground level, right across from each other. On objective gametypes, the objectives are on the ledges above you. This leads to a close-quarters, hectic game. The power weapons are located at each end of the map, requiring you to go out of your way to find them. The weapon list changes completely when you swap gametypes. Here is a complete weapon list for the map (weapons on symmetric only are green, asymmetric are orange.) Assault Rifle x 2 Battle Rifle x 5 SMG x 3 Spiker x 2 Magnum x 1 Plasma Pistol x 1 Plasma Rifle x 1 Mauler x 1 Assault Rifle x 3 Battle Rifle x 2 Gravity Hammer x 1 Fuel Rod Cannon x 1 Carbine x 1 Battle Rifle x 9 Shotgun x 1 Sniper x 1 Needler x 2 Bruteshot x 1 Energy Sword x 1 Plasma Turret x 1 Mauler x 1 Machine Gun Turret (inoperable) x 1 Frags x 12 Plasmas x 7 Regenerator x 1 Power Drain x 1 Flare x 1 Overshield x 1 Bubbleshield x 1 Trip Mine x 1 Deployable Cover x 2 Active Camo x 1 And now, before you all die of boredom, here be pics! Overview of the Defender Base Attacker Base I added a mancannon system to the Attacker side in Asymmetric games. It launches you to about the middle of the map. You walk into the grav lift here: And come flying out here (grab the sword!): You land about smack in the middle Middle (neutral) base: (shown Asymmetric. In Symmetric, there is no turret or Dep. Cover, only an Overshield) ACSHUN SHOTZX!!!!11!eleven o i did not c u thar RUNRUNRUNRUNRUN!!!! Get noscoped! That's how we do stealth in Idaho I hate nades. So much. You have to rush one of these walkways to reach the lift LOL! Notice me with the flag up top XD Mauler>Sword This will not end well. Give credit where credit is due. That was a helluva snipe. And that be all. I have played this map with a lot of my friends who have sworn blood oaths to kill the maker of Epitaph, and they all agreed that this map is a lot of fun to play. I believe I have saved the developer doomhole that is Epitaph. Unfortunately, there is no salvation for Isolation. That map just sucks. BUT I WILL TRY! Maybe. I dunno. That map really sucks XD Download FANATICISM here!
Wow, this is cool. I made an Epitaph not so long ago that bears a few similarities to this one. It's Epicenter in my sig if you wanna see it. Anyway, kudos to a map on Epitaph, I know what it's like to forge there.
This is a very interesting map. Non dlc forging has really made a comeback. Not to mention, I also love tactical gametypes. As soon as I get on halo and download the 8 maps in my cue, then I will download this and report back to you on what I think, but looks great here.
I've noticed the default map forging spike too. There are a bunch of good forgers that I assume got bored of Foundry and decided to go back to the default maps. It's produced some good results.
There's a lot to be done with the old maps, really. For one, I think destructible bases are HILARIOUS! Throw in a gravity hammer and these maps can be the funniest things you've ever seen. The bruteshot serves that exact purpose: mid-range counter to the defender's Plasma Cannon and to fix the "problem" of how entrenched their base is. Use it well =) Thanks for the feedback guys
This looks pretty clever.Taking a map no one likes and turning it into a good map.From the pics the map looks fun.I'll try to download and test out.Good job
This looks very thought out, though the turrets seem to be un-need in any game type! I like the usage somehow of epitaph*. This map seems fun and play-able. I like the lifts that you blocked off, thus changing the real map's flow and gameplay! For me the turrets kill the map. Question, that platform where the sniper spawns, can it sill flip like crazy or because there is a flag spawn on it it cannot move? -Irish
1- The platform won't really wiggle in objective games, the flag spawn/bomb plant point keep it held down. In slayer or KotH it still shakes though 2- The machine gun turret is inoperable. The only thing you can do with it is break it off and carry it around. The Plasma Cannon can only fire at the attacker's base, and they have a lot of cover. In all my testing, nobody has ever been killed by the Plasma Cannon while it was still attached. Also, it is angled slightly upward. This means that the turrets firing arc doesn't even include the middle base, it can't aim low enough. Trust me, neither turret is overpowering at all. And plus, both are only avaliable in asymmetric gametypes
There are some who said the day that Epitaph would be fixed would never come..... ....What are they to say now? Ill put this out of the way, best Epitaph map EVER, bar none. Download.....
Thanks! I put a lot of time into designing this map, and completely changed the flow. I forgot to mention, in asymmetric gametypes there are two-way teleporters outside, about halfway down the map. they can send you quickly from one side of the map to the other, for surprise attacks!
I still hate Epitaph, but for what it's worth If I was playing on your version I wouldn't complain as much. The map has good flow and no bottle necking which tends to be a problem on Epitaph variations and on my forge through it seemed well thought out. If you don't mind my asking how long did it take to make this ?
Longer than you would think, but mostly because the map went through a lot of variations. It didn't take as long as most Foundry maps would, simply because there isn't any interlocking or geomerging to be done. Most of my time was spent fiddling with the bases and placing good weapon and player spawns. All in all, there's probably about 10-12 hours of work in here.
I'm gonna DL this shearly because it's so different and so ambitious! I hope it's more balanced than the actual Epitah...
Downloaded and played multiple times. Good overall layout, with most of the obstructions to the traditionally accessible areas denying the tired old tactics, saving us from camp kills near the center platform. That worked out well for small teams. Thought obviously went into the placement of weapons and I found them to help game play despite the asymmetry. A suggestion would be to reduce the barricades on the second level leading to the primary lift. They seemed to hinder game play rather than enhance the tactics. Good overall map and I look forward to downloading any upgraded versions down the road.