What are the top 5 scariest yet fun custom games in halo 3 ? i have chose a few custom games from my opinion and other peoples opinions what are the top 5 scariest yet fun custom games so i will make a voting booth and see which one is the scariest. here are the choices .Halloween. .Pheasent Hunt. (sorry if misspelled) .Predator. .Jenga. .Fat Kid. so pick and rate which one is the scariest yet fun.
Convoy Tunnel is scary. Zombies jumping out from the the corners. Especially when you hear people with low pitch voices scream like little girls.
xD omg you spelled Peasant Hunt wrong. lololollololollo Seriously though, fo sho Peasant Hunt because its like Fat Kid but with more balance. The suspense overtakes you and then you scream wildly because you see the big ol shiny person caring a big hammer. Fun stuff.
I would have to say Peasant Hunt because I get jumpy when I'm turning corners, and when the Zombie shows up it scares the **** out of me.
My game, doom, is really scary, about as scary as halo gets. It's on blackout, zombies have poor cammo, are slow, strong, and have motion trackers. The humans run or a zombie will sneak up on them. There is also filters to make it dark. It's really scary when you hear smgs firing away in the distance, than you hear, 'new zombie'.
do you have download for that?? i tried to make something like that on ghost town but it never worked out. I put on the sketch or writing filter or whatever because it looked scary just walking around and shooting, and that's when the zombies aren't even there.
i cant vote =| but if i could, my vote is for predator. I LOVE that game, same with all my buddies =] its so nerve racking =D
I definantly think that phesant hunt is the scariest of those games if they are scary at all which they are not. I agree with cheif wiggums that game looks pretty intense could you give a link.
Hehe you said spelled >.< Bad english good sir =] And he spelt Custom wrong in the main title >.< My Favourite is Peasant Hunt =]
See when I play halo, it's not really scary. Like I don't crap my pants or anything that I normally do when I'm scared. Sorry Admiral Ackbar. BTW IT's a trap kthxbye