MMMM Donut Created by SaW II Titan II & Ell3ment Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Odd Ball and INfection Map Description A donut shaped map that has five fighting areas two of which are in a donut shape tunnel and one is facing the entire map. The remaining two are a bottom layer that is in a Arena style with teliporters that jump you to the top of the map. The main floor has the rocket Launcher on a platform that is suspendid in mid air that is surrounded my cannon mans that can and will throw you around the map. Each floor can be entered and exited. Center View where the Rocket Launcher is placed Close view of the floating center platform View of the middle donut that has four openings Middle later taht is almost fully closed off except for the small section where the grab lift jumps you back to the center of the map. VIew from the bottom floor Outside look Please download and leave me feedback as well as any suggestions Download MMMM Donut Download GAMETYPE NAME HERE [/noparse]
Are those pictures of you're t.v? If so: 1. Go into any non-forge game on that map. 2. End it immediately. 3. Go into theater. 4.Take Screenshots 5. Go to 6. Save the images to your computer 7. Go to 8. register if not registered 9. get the confirmation email and confirm 10. go to upload and upload the pics 11. copy and paste the direct image urls No one else post about the pictures.
Your not supposed to take pics with a real camera. I can't see much with the pictures you have let alone the blurry camera pictures...
Let me just start off by saying HOLY CRAP! your screenshots SUCK! did you take those with a CAMERA!? haha the map itself looks cool, the center aesthetics are cool, but it seems like something could go wrong, and someone will slip through... it appears to of taken you a while, but the general idea is simple... a big round level with a hole in the middle, ive seen this many times sorry to say, but this one looks the best of them, the pics make it seem slanted tho... is it?? please give better detail to this bad boy.... to answer gameplay Q's...
Do you people listen? How about reading some posts, before you go ranting on about the guys pictures. He obviously is new, welcome to ForgeHub btw.
It has the center platform that has the rocket Launcher. You can fall to the lower level where the grab hammer and maulers are. Their are sending KNods that send you to the top platform. Their are two seperate tunnels that have openings ever 25% of the circle. The top section has drop downsd to the inner tunnels as well as the middle tunnel has access to the middle room where the floating fence box is. Its no a simple donut shape. Their a five seperate places where fights can take place. I did most of that but i was lazy and took pics with my camera then took the memory card and uploaded them to bucket. Thanks for the backup...I didnt think the pictures where that bad.. I know they are kinda blury but you can still see the map, and isent that what the point is so that the lazy peope dont have to download all the maps to find the good ones?
ok let me say i posted to be what i thought was the first post, but there were too quicker onmes, so sorry... also 1/2 assin it, i like it :] dont double post though dude... it looks like there isn't a lower level from that pic
I'll take better pictures from a custome game, i just wanted to get these up here before naother map of mine is stolen and posted as their own. So i figured pictures are better then no pictures even if they are from a camera. The ground floor is the actual map with an octigon shaped can fight in it or jusp threw the teliporter and send the player to the top. Titan
lol I thought some threads were fail, you gotta be the first guy to take the pictures with a real camera, lol most newbs just grab the pic from bungie and then drop them in the thread, LOL this is hilarious. now onto the map, as your pictures are taken with a camera (rofl) its hard to make out alot of your map. it seems pretty basic, with hallways and such, and it is a little messy, but a good concept. i suggest you give an overview or two, so that we can understand this map better. Spoiler LOL im still cracking up about the camera
Itz k. At least their were some pics. Many new comers dk how to do that. Btw, don't triple post. They crucify for that 'round here.
From what I can see, it looks too easy to camp in the middle with rockets or something else. Shield doors are always bad, unless they are merged with a wall for aesthetic purposes. Even if they are elevated so you can shoot under them, they still suck. Also, NEVER triple post, let alone double post. Click the "edit" button underneath your post and just say something like this... *ORIGINAL POST* ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- then, if you edit, say: EDIT: ----------------- EDIT 2: -----------------
I somehow stumbled upon this and like the idea a lot! i was thinking this though for future versions: more than 1 platform or a slightly larger platform. Also, this doesn't necessarily need to be infection, i think it could make for an interesting team slayer game also
this looks good and while he should use the screen shot function he at least has pictures unlike most people who are new and his post was up to standards now back to the map it looks really fun i would put death teleporters in the bottom of that hole just case some one does get in 4.5/5 for the map 4/5 for the post
Like others said..the pics are blurry but the map looks well made and clean from the pics.Slayer is probably fun on the map.I don't know if gameplay is good so i'll download
stfu dont tell titan wat to do he can make better maps than u in a comma than u could make if ur life depended on it
He triple posted? I thought he just posted as a reply to three people? In any case, you've got a nice looking map. A little too vertical orientated for my tastes, but I can see why people might like it.