I will install Halo3, RB2, and GH:WT. I have whatever HDD the premium original xbox 360 has. Plus less wear and tear on the dvd drive.
Ah, I was wondering how they would get around this. So you still have to have the disc in to play the game, eh? That does seem kind of lame, but I'll probably install H3 because I play/forge with it the most. The noise from my xbox drives me batty and that's what makes me excited for this. If it makes that big of a deal I'll probably load some other games like GOW2 and so on.
I will throw Halo 3 on there, I only have 7Gigs left of space on my 20-ish Gig HDD. Hopefully, I'll have enough space.
I probably only install Halo 3 because it;s really the only game I play. Maybe I will install others, but it takes so much space.
Bungie said that you most likely would not notice any difference with Halo 3. It is optimized already to run without a hard drive. But there will be less noise.
I have a 120 gb hard drive. Im going to install Halo 3, DDR Universe 2, Lego Star Wars.......... Every thing. 1 Question. Does anyone know if you can install arcade games as well. Because I have like 3 discs of arcade games that I bought.
I have a 10GB hard drive so I don't expect to be able to install any games. I probably will install one or two games when (inevitably) someone figures out a way to play games off the hard drive without the disk in for verification.