BUTCHER Butcher is a medium sized map on foundry recomended for 4-8 players mabye even 12 at the most. The map took three hours to make. This map supports all gametypes although slayer, assult, territories and CTF are most recomended. This maps weapons include: 8x BRs with 1 spare clip 2x BRs with 2 spare clips 2x ARs 2x Plasma rifle 1xBruteshot 1x Needler 1x Shotgun 4x Spike grenades 4x Plasma grenades 6x Fragmention grenades Now for some pictures The Defeners base left side The Defenders base right side The attackers base (note it is smaller yet more defensive) The shotgun spawns in a vulnerable position in the neutral base The ramp going up the side of the neutral base and merged open box The merged open box makes you slower but can be used as a useful ambush position and you can capture territories from inside the box in territories The merged staircase and finally the creator Note that this is my first post and if anyone could offer a hand to improve it it would be much appreciated And the map link
very good design but it does need a bit of a clean up on the ground levels put a bit more cover from the brs 3.9/5 on the back wall you need to make the wall bigger because people can get out
I agree with the guy who had the 1st post. Try to put more walls so that people cannot get out of your map. Also try to interlock at least all the double boxes and fix the walls near the edge because , the way I see it, its sloppy. Well, other than that, its a nice map but sorry no download for now.
For a first post, I'm glad you've got it right first time. We need more members like you Anyway onto the map. I think that you've done an excellent job for the design of this map, it looks great. In 3 hours, it's still pretty good. You've kept interlocking to a minimal, which on some maps is good. It seems to be the case here. Although, I would reccomend interlocking more of the flooring as I can see a few untidy gaps (which could lead to bumps when walking over. See this guide on Advanced Interlocking. It basically tells you how to line objects up neatly when interlocking. If you have time you could also look at Geo-merging Immovable Objects. I'm sure you would be able to use this technique, more and more maps are using it nowdays. Your weapon list and placement seems quite solid too. Not too overpowering, but not too weak. You've placed them in good areas (e.g. shotgun in an open space). This is a key part of a good map. Overall, for a 1st posted map, you have done a brilliant job. I'd love to see a V2 of this and remember to read those guides. They will enormously help. Well done
This map looks like it has a very good concept for design and the aesthetics look good too. This seems to me like there is plenty of cover for great gameplay. This map looks very maturely done and for only 3 hours, I looks good. The only thing I can really see here is that it would be pretty easy to escape. All you need is a grenade jump over those boxes and then your out. A suggestion to you, build the walls higher so that you dont have a bunch of people complaining that it is escapeable. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. DL'ed.
Some areas are a bit crooked, and your text saying "attackers base is smaller, but more defensive" gives cause for concern, but the map looks balanced and well thought out. Good, but a version 2 would be a good idea.
I gave it 75% because it is escapable and needs to be interlocked in a lot of ares! I like the layout. It seems to support fun gameplay for most gametypes. I think that 3 hours is just not enough for a competitive map these days! More time spent on the actual forging of your maps is what is needed! I like tit and the post is fine so make a cleaner v2! -Irish
overall looks quite nice, the design is top notch but a few rough areas let the map down. Have a bit of a clean up and it would be a great map. 6/10
this accually didn't look too bad, nice job dude... the scenery makes the map and your looks good, sept the outer walls, to keep people in, you.... ready?...[BUTCHERed] that lol im jk nice map dude it looks a lil open around the middle, not in the middle, but the perimeterz!
It is very creative and the bases are unique. The map could use some neater merging. I suggest you make a V2 with neater merging. Also this map is very easy to escape. With a grenade jump you could easily get out of this map. you should fix that.
Meh, this map needs a lot of work, you need to make it unbreakable. You also need to clean up some parts and possibly geomerge in some places. You could make this map very good but you really need to clean up the things that can really hurt the quality of the game play. So jump on it and then come back.