Bungie Crippling The Sniper Rifle

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Matty, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    ya i agree with matty beatdowns are not worthy enough to decide the outcome of a fight and have a far to powerful range... a BR should beat an AR from some of the ranges i have seen b4... and the halo 2 magnum dueled were FAR TO POWERFUL b4 the update... in the very begining... you could fire 5 shots or so n kill som3one .... and with their rapid fire rate that wasn't much... but im glad to see bungie hasn't over used rockets at least and instead we use lazers with take medocre skill and missle pods which are nearly rendered useless to any user.... but ya slim down the AR range
  2. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    At times the AR can kill me from two years away(mid-range) faster than I can four shot. Which considering the distance is ridiculous. Increase the spread of the AR at longer ranges. Problem solved.
  3. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    I honestly am not getting any of this overpowered AR coming across in Matchmaking games I've been a part of. From what I've seen, almost without exception, the BR will trump the AR every time, at virtually any range. The AR does have a pretty good range, but once you move out more than 15 yards you start to miss shots. 25 to 30 yards and you're barely hitting at all.

    A skilled player with a BR (and in all fairness, that's who usually goes for the BRs) ALWAYS defeats someone just running around with their starting AR. Even playing games with SMG starts, I've never seen people trade out for this apparent overpoweredness that is the AR. In fact, it's a pretty common occurence for people to drop their ARs for SMGs. SINGLE SMGs, not even duals (although I'm suer most aim to pick up a dual later).

    Basically, I've never experienced the AR being overpowered, or better than any gun (except maybe the plasma rifle...). It really is not that amazing of a weapon... the only thing it really has going for it is its versatility. It's like the redheaded stepchild of the BR.
  4. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    I hate the AR with passion. It is hard for me to play team slayer now with the stupid AR. I love the BR, which actually takes skill to use. The AR is nothing but a short range noob weapon. Like said above I have seen people and me switch the AR for SMG's or Spiker.
  5. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    I switch it for Magnums, but whatever.

    Even though about half the time in Avalanche, there is no AR, and I'm in a Wraith, not on foot, I still hate the AR. Sometimes, I'm at least an Elephant's distance away, and the AR kills me when I have a BR.
  6. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
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    I actually prefer the current AR rather than the previous AR when the game first came out. The previous AR took a full clip to kill somebody, assuming that NONE of the bullets missed, and you would have to be right up to the guy's face at which point you would just start punching the hell out of your opponent. The current AR is more powerful, but it's still gas-powered which means the bullets still have the slowest travel time of any weapon. It is also totally inaccurate at long range. The AR is not overpowered in any way.

    Also, the BR in this game is absolutely perfect IMO. It is still the best weapon for any type of firefight at any range. It takes quite a bit more bullets to snipe somebody with it, but I still do it anyway. I absolutely love this weapon and I honestly can't go anywhere without a BR.

    Magnums are severely underrated. Believe it or not, the magnum is actually one of the most accurate and most powerful weapon in the game. It has a slow firing rate, but it compensates in that every shot has perfect accuracy and high power. I've sniped down turret operators on warthogs with these things. Dual-wielded, they can be freaking deadly at medium to long range. Still not as deadly as a sniper rifle or beam rifle, but it's pretty up there.

    Just my two cents.
  7. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Ahhh yes, I love this story so much. It's a freakin joke guys!
    Lol. I was confused at first till I read the asterisks.
  8. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    No offense guys, but anyone who fell for this is REALLY gullible. Even before I saw the asterisks, it's quite obvious they were kidding :)

    (I still wan't them to fix the BR, though)

    Off-topic Edit: I thought about it, and I guess that the BR was a little overpowered in H2. I'm still not a huge fan of the H3 BR, but I guess it balances out gameplay. I just wish it was more consistent :(
  9. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    Hopefully this doesn't come and bite me in the ass.

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