Does anyone know if he was playing on a nintendo 64? Or was he playing on an emulator of some sort. Either way, he is one hell of a player.
Holy ****.... took me a little less than a week at the rip age of 7 to beat that game.. Sure, he glitched, but did you see some of that mad platform jump skill?! If only I knew some of that..
Emulator. Again, it's physically impossible to do those glitches on a normal N64 controller. To do the BJ glitch, you need to do the backwards jump at turbo speed and at certain places in the game.
I love this game,music is classic,game is classic.I used to go over to my friends house and play this every day when I was 5. But I never knew that glitch,cool!
He has obviously played it many many many times before. kind of low life if you ask me i mean sure it was amazing but you don't need to be that good at it. dang that is abnormal.
Wow you can see how that dude used every bit of the game to his advantage and there are parts that are like one in a million chance of landing on a space that is so small but he seems to pull it off. That took practice, we all can see that
Heard of TASR? He used tools to gain advantage, Slowdowns will give you enough time to work your way around a place whilst save states will revert you to a previous position within the game.