This guy is beyond insane. He is a gaming god.
Wow... I tried to count how many times he broke the game... but I lost track. That's insane though. He must know every trick in the book.
That game took me so long to beat... Well, I was like, 5 years old when I got it, so yeah... My parents used to play with me! Ah, good times.
You just beat me to it right Exactly the same with me...I never beat it though...I got to the second level or something like that, where you race the penguin and crap....that asshole always beat me...I played that game on my comp with Project64 Emulator....and I beat that ***** haha....lololol He glitch lol....he glitch
This brings back so many memories... That guy was so skilled. He made no wrong moves and just kept going. There were so many glitches that he could finish the game in just 15 mins. lol, I rememebr having to take a couple of years beofore I finished the game.
All I can say is holy crap! I had no idea there were so many glitches in that game! That was amazing to watch....that person must play that game far too much to beat it that
You know how he does it right? He saves it every few seconds so if he makes a mistake, he just flips back a bit and does it again.
Look up vids of 0-star runs...they're even more insane than this. BTW, he was only able to do those glitches because it was tool-assisted (more specifically the backwards jump glitch). It is physically impossible to do those glitches with a normal N64 controller.
Did you guys see those killer graphics and textures! Lol but that was great for the time. I didn't have a 64 when that came out. Probably didn't get mine till like 2000.
HOLY! Wow. I loved that game, when I had it. Too bad it broke. But seriously, I couldn't beat the game once, and this guy beat it in 15 min. He cheated, kinda. But who cares.
that guy is deff. a virgin but he is good i gotta admit that must have taken years to master all that glitching