Holdout Map made by Mearm. 4-6 players. Use with Trapped game variant. Holdout is my first map made on Cold Storage, and being a Forerunner based structure, I could use it to create a plot for what happened after Halo 2 ended. Here is the story. A few months after the covenant left Installation 05, the humans and the covenant separatists were almost ready to leave, but first they had to get the remaining survivors on the ring off of it, so they sent Pelicans out to scan for any human or separatist forces left on the ring. Near the end of their search, they detected a group of Elites on ghosts heading toward a forerunner structure. After they had entered, then did the crew of the Pelican notice the hoarde of Flood folowing them. They pulled out, and the flood entered the building in pursuit of the Elites. Meanwhile, inside the building, a group of stranded humans and Elites had been holding out against attacks made by Flood, but their numbers had been deminished. The Elites on the ghosts were trapped and slaughtered. The group decided to send out a scout to see what had happened, and then did they get a messsage from the Pelican. It told them that they must wait for 10 minutes while the Pelican prepared for an emergency landing in the center of the structure, but can the last survivors hold out for that long? In this game, you will be playing as the survivors of the 5th installation, or the Flood run rampent on it. This is the Human's camp, where the humans spawn, and a somewhat easy place to hide, as you can have multiple people cover each door. There is a shotgun, 2 battle rifles, a frag grenade, a magnum, and a trip mine in this area. This is the zombie spawn area, as the Flood had broken out of their containment area by breaking the glass. This area has no weapons in it, and is definatly not a good place to camp, seeing as you'll get killed if you go in here. This section is one of the passages. While these parts have passages from one side of the map to the other, they can also be used as places to hide from the zombies. There is a brute shot, an assault rifle, an SMG, a sword, and a grav lift in this part of the map. This is the other passage from one area to another. This part doesn't have as many structures as the other side, but it has better weapons than the other side. There is also an area on this side of the map where 1 human will spawn occasionally, to give the zombie some help. If you do end up spawning here, immediately run for the ramp to the second floor, that is the safest way to get out of there. There is a rocket launcher, an assault rifle and a needler on this part of the map. Also, all weapons are set to never respawn, but they have 1 extra clip, so use ammo wisely. There are a few weapons and equipment in the hallways that I have not mentioned, here is a list: a bubble shield, a plasma rifle and a sniper rifle. Action Shots A surprise attack comes in handy against humans, as they can kill you easily with a headshot. Here is the last man standing, hiding in the covenant crash site. There are 2 plasma grenades, a carbine, and a plasma pistol in this area. If the rocket is used well on this map, it can be your best friend. Just make sure to check your ammo count, as it runs out fast. So, why are we here again? Rocketized! Trapped game traits: Humans: Mostly normal everything, spawn with only pistols, 10 meter radar. Zombies: 50% gravity, 75% speed, spawn with swords infinate ammo, brown coloration, 300% damage resistance. Alpha Zombie: Same as the normal zombies but 500% damage resistance. Credits First off, there is almost no interlocking or geomerging on this map. I did not need this, so it is not in here. Second, try the map before you rate it, it's pretty fun, and the gloomy look makes it feel like the lights are off and adds to scariness of the map. Thanks to Parune and Darth Bane 97 for playing the game alot to perfect it, and for the pictures. Please post any comments or suggestions for the map if you have any. Have fun! Here is a link to the map: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=57701454 And here is a link to Trapped: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=57700976
hey nice job it looks like a great, fun zombie game where the gameplay's balanced out between humans and zombies. looks pretty cool with the lighting effects, im guessing u used gloomy and it adds to the zombie feel. cool story, cool map, nice job
oh and btw i think the settings you got with it should work really well! cuz when people play typical zombies they die one hit and go super fast which usually always equals no fun for anyone cuz it's not a challenge for the humans and the zombies get pwned. im really glad the settings aren't like that, so nice job i think it'd be really fun to play
^crusadermike^^, ^^dont double post, just edit^^ _________________________________________ about the map, it looks as if you placed some small structures on cold storage, added a filter, and put some spawns. the post was good ad everything but the map its self is kinda bland no dl but good try 4/5
This map looks like it took you a good time to make but don't know how well this will play out.It isn't your fault its just that this is Cold Storage.Now that i've pointed out the simple things,the map still looks nice.You should make the player amount more than 4-6..i mean it is infection.I know this is a small map but make it at least 4-10.Good job on this anyway
I like the back story. The map isn't that original, but what can you forge on Cold storage anyway? Good gametype as well.
this map looks cool. i think the pictures look better than they realy are cause of the color effect but still realy cool. i havent seen any good maps on coldstorage and this one realy stands out. nice job
This is an interesting map, but it seems like some geometry is just thrown in there. Either way it looks like a fairly good infection map to play. Not to mention that I can tell you thought about placement of weps etc.
Cold Storage doesn't have many variations of geometry pieces, so it was hard trying to make the map out of such small amounts of objects I could use, so yes, some geometry is just thrown in there, but it does add to the playablility of the map, not to mention that an open area wouldn't have been all that fun to play on.