Havoc V2 Fixed: Took away some of the walls in the middle, turned some of them into fence walls, and geomerged some others. Also changed the spawn times on the plasma grenades to 30 seconds. Also added more cover in the hallways. Considering a v3... We'll see =) Weapons list: Assault Rifle x4 Battle Rifle x8 Shotgun x1 Sniper Rifle x2 SMG x4 Spiker x4 Magnum x4 Plasma Pistol x1 Needler x2 Carbine x2 Mauler x2 Turret x1 Equipment List: Frag Grenade x6 Plasma Grenade x6 Bubble Sheild x1 Power Drain x2 Regenerator x2 Pictures: Blue Spawn Red Spawn Red Snipe Blue Snipe Blue Hall (Added a sign on each hall for better protection against the sniper overhead) Red Hall (Added a sign) Red Downstairs Area (The walls in this area have been geomerged, fixed, or deleted) Blue Downstairs Area (Walls fixed, deleted, merged) Top View of Bridge (Nothing Fixed) Download Here: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=57876731 Tell me what you think of the fix, and also tell me things I can change/add in v3. I'm always open for suggestions. (Edit) Fixed some respawn glitches. Should be okay now.
ahhahahaaahahaa this is really quite a nice map. and im the first to view it *happyfayce*. on the bridge though, it looks as is some interlocking was screwed up a bit . cool, and it looks as though the gameplay will be interesting.
i totaly agree looks very nice but the bridge does need a bit of a clean up other than that it looks good 3.5/5 is there a weapon under the bridge if not i would like to see a Ghost under the bridge for team slayer matches v3 would be great i would suggest a tiny bit more cover on the ground and a rocket on top of the bridge and the ghost under the bridge the rock should only have 2 shots and this map would be hell fun keep up the good work man this is a great map
I appreciate the comment. Very good suggestions, although I hate maps with rocket launchers in them so I wont do that. As for the ghost, There are walls on the bottom floor, and the ghost would get stuck easily. I will be fixing my bridge and hallway interlocks when I find the time.
i downloaded the map and there is a lot of room for the ghost as for the rocket ummmmm what else spartan laser, gravity hammer i like the map yeah i would like you to download my best map:http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=57291409 my best map is probbley not good as yours but it is a start yeah if you want to make v3, after that i would suggest a combind map when you get 2 of your best maps an try to combine them to a map
I must say I am very very impressed that you truly took what we and I, said about the first one and fixed it! I liked the layout of the first one and still do. You have a little bit of a longer description and the geo-merging looks great! Good job thanks for listening! -Irish
Like I said, I am open to all comments and suggestions. Thanks for the comment. Thank you for the comment. Thanks for the comment. I see your point, but mine was to make a near-but-not-quite-MLG map. Spartan lasers/Grav Hammers/Rockets/Ghosts would take away from that point. I will download your map if you show me some pictures first. Do you have it up on ForgeHub? As for the combined map idea, I think that's a great idea, and I will do it after I have maybe 5 or 6, that way I can have a better choice between maps to combine. Right now I only have Havoc, and working on another one (shh! ;D) at the moment.
Ok i guess its better than the first but still the map is a little to open and the interlocking also is srewed up.