The second one is awesome. It's like looking in the mirror. lol jk but it's cool because of how dark he is with the fire behind him and he's just staring at you. I also like the first one with the sword.
Thanks, i like that one too. But my favourite one is probably the one where you can only see his shadow
I have to agree, the second one is awesome. I also like the sword ones. It looks a desktop wallpaper.
FINE!!!! The Second one is better. lol. thanks mate. Here's a link to them on my file share: Shot 47
Those are all really nice shots. My favorite has to be the last one because I really like the sharpness of the dark Hayabusa armor against the fire. The sword adds a nice contrast to the spartan. Nice job on the shots.
I really like the main effect, which is an explosion behind a sniper. It looks good however most of the pics look the same. overall great find
Also another suggestion for next time, when you upload them reduce their size. they take a piss ass long time to load and they get resized antway.
im likeing the back round, but the spartans contrast ( lighting) is to dark for my taste, when hayabusa is in a picture i like it to be blissfaly showing all the curves and points, but still good pics!
Nice background. The effects here are cool. The second is the best. You look like a demon in that one. 5/5