Welcome To My First Racing Map.. TyPhoon!! This Map Has Many Twists, Many Turns And 1 Easter Egg! A Funny Face Wicth I Have A Pic Of. Let Me Show You The Pics. The Beggining The Tunnels The 2nd Story The 3rd Story The Giant Leap The Barrel Room The Narrow Room The Ending W3ll You Kn0w h0w I Sa1d Th4t I H4v3 a pix 0F T3h 34ster 3gg, H3re 1t Is... Here Is The Link For The TyPhoon! (Also Can be Used With Regular Slayer Variant) The Map! Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Alright! Have Fun On My First Race map eva!
this racemap isnt "professional" its more of a fun racing map. which i like better bw. anyway, racing maps are usually SUPER interlocked (the best ones anyway) the barrels are new and original. pretty cool. hmmm. 9/10!
I don't know man.This map i guess looks Ok,but it needs work.It might be fun with alot of ppl but the map looks very bumpy. You should learn how to interlock and maybe even geomerge objects to make things a whole lot smoother.Its still a good attempt.The map also looks narrow and race maps should be a little bigger for at least two geese to be next to each other,good try overall
To Start... Welcome to: ...::!fabulous forgehub!::... Okay, the map... First thought: Like the barrel room Second thought: a more fun than amazing racing map, if you catch my drift A v2 probably will be in order... i know you can interlock, but if you need to know how to geomerge here is a link to bl00d fire's helpful video, its where i learned about it...LINK if you need anything from me PM me the main thing I think you need is to look at other people's racing maps you have potential, definately. Keep forging, my friend. ~Battery EDIT: nobody has mentioned the "easter egg"... wonder why? PS defenition of easter egg: [SIZE=-1]Secret, Bonus This is a hidden or secret portion of a game/movie that was included by the programmers to have a little fun. Sometimes these secrets will give the player extra points or items, or they may simply be for display purposes only. [/SIZE]EXAMPLE: [SIZE=-1] [/SIZE]
this doesn'y look half bad... I do suggest you learn how to interlock over in forging 101 but other than that, I really like this map's design and feel... I will check it out later tonight... nice job on the post too...
uh, interlock!!! also try to make gameplay fun and can be fun for a long time. this looks like a 1 hit wonder, if not that, maby a never hit wonder. better luck next time
Now I like the barrel room, it is very new! I like the layout and the multiple floor race track. I do not like the sloppiness or the little easter egg. The sloppiness completely effects a race if you hit a bump you are done for! The weapon easter egg is just not gonna go well in a competitive race! I think you should look up on the forging 101 strategies! -Irish
I agree with him 95% percent because every race map should be interlocked. And if you don't it gets annoying because you get stuck or mess up. But if interlock its makes everything a lot smoother. And the other 5% i don't agree with is because he shouldn't of gave you a 9/10 he should of gave you a 7.5/10!! But other whys your off to a good start keep forging you'll get better and better at it just keep practicing.!!!