Hello, I don't know if this is in the right place so if not please will a mod move it? Alright I need help from you hubbers with screenshots. Now I have seen very, very nice screenshots posted with great affects but I don't know how to make the effects and make them so people will download and share. So if any of you guys could help me out that would be awesome. GT: HomieG54 Peace.
Halo 3 screenshots right? If you're talking about the effects its probably the filters found in the legendary map pack. It could also just be effects from gunfire or grenades, certain angles also get good effects just play around. The Snowbound blue room also is good for character shots.
Well, I suggest you should post it on Bungie's forums and Forgehub's screenshot section. Name it something cool and witty to attract people's attention to the thread. The screenshot should then sell itself.