
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by BattyMan, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    Probably the two most satisfying feelings in Halo are splattering with a Ghost and successfully sticking a moving vehicle. I’ve decided to combine them in this infection variant. The zombies zoom around in Ghosts and the humans defend themselves with stickies.

    The map has a really simple layout, one that’s set up to support smooth movement with the Ghost, lots of jumps and wide open spaces.

    The defining feature of this map are the two ramps connected to either side of the main structure. Ghosts can ride up this thing and land at the top.

    From there they can boost over onto the overhanging fence platform.

    If you’re pro though, you’ll cut out the middleman and just boost diagonally strait from the ramp onto the chain link fence area.

    On the back wall are a couple fence platforms separated by small gaps. Hit the boost here, stay straight, and you’ll fly across no problem.

    Stick if you're a human

    Splatter if you're a zombie

    Gameplay is just that simple.

    I have a lot of fun designing maps around Ghosts, and if people like the idea of this gametype I’d love to make a bigger version on Avalanche. So let me know what you think.

    Map: Zhost Hill

    Gametype: Zhost
    #1 BattyMan, Nov 7, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2008
  2. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    not a bad mp! i like it plus with some of your others it seems as if they just go hand in hand. i liked the other one on black out but i never seen a ghost spawn on the map when i played it. ever. any way this map is really good and i love the use of ghost in your maps.
  3. carbone1993

    carbone1993 Ancient
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    Your right, splatering and sticking vehicules are things I really enjoy doing in Halo 3. As for the map, it really looks smooth and well interlocked and I really <3 that ramp.

    gameplay wise, this is probably the 1st time I see a mini game/infection like this and i can't w8 to try it with some friends!

    PS: what's the preferd party size for this?

    Edit: Oh and I would love to see a larger scale of this on Avalance :D
  4. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    The idea is a great one at the least. I like the smoothness of this map, and the bridge sections! The gameplay seems very fun and completely new! Now i have found something to complain about! The 6th pic shows the blocked of part of Foundry.... it looks sloppy and It just takes away from this great map! I would like to see that somehow revised. Now if you do not have the budget or the number of items, just try something, cause this is a great map! Good map, Great post!

  5. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    this map looks like a lot of fun. it sort of reminds me of tremor and mouse without vehicles except for the ghost. I love the huge bridge ramp things. They are amazing and i bet lots of people could get splattered. avalanch would be sick and you should definitly build it. 5/5 dl definitly
  6. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    This map is truly unique and creative, with the forging skill necessary in today's modern forged productions. The idea of combining two of the greatest pleasures, such as the ones stated previously, is an exceptional concept when making an exceptional map.

    Since I have not viewed this map in my perspective via downloading, yet, I cannot provide precise feedback regarding the gameplay. Instead I will download and test the map and gameplay for myself.

    This map appears great, and I hope it will be worth my time. If I have any addition feedback regarding your map, after my analysis, I will be certain to leave additional positive, and possibly negative, criticism. For now, I must rate this a 9 out of 10. Good job!

    P.S. What's the suggested number of maximum players?
  7. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    looks great and a well forged maps... is it extremely hard to kill the ghost (zhost) w/ the nades tho??? b/c it seems like the ghost would have the def. advantage in the face to face senerio... but never the less it is a great map well forged and clean as well as a great idea... for improvement u could add a little more i believ u still have the side oppisite the main structure... avalanche would be a big feat but if u could pull it off i would play that.... and the rugged terrain and a large map might make it harder for the ghost.... and do the humans have 1 life b/c it would get boring on avalanche waiting for the ghost to get evryone... but other than that i think it would be worth the effort... oh BTW this one is great too... nice layout n jumps and such add more if u just want to go the easy way
  8. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    Number of players, probably like 4-10. Your basic infection party size, the bigger the better, you know?
    Yeah that's fair, the wall is just kind of there, being all ugly. I never intended to post this map, this was supposed to be one of those quick forges that only my close fiends would see, so I didn't really concentrate too much on the details. Like for example, the main structure isn't actually in the center of the map, it's off to the left by quite a bit. It's one of those things you feel compelled to point out yourself before anyone calls you out on it.

    But thanks for the compliments so far. If anyone plays this let me know if you think are too tough for either the zombies or humans, I'll adjust the game accordingly.
  9. Gamerguy45

    Gamerguy45 Ancient
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    Look at the pictures the humans have a plasma pistol so it is balanced.... Also, if it was one live then the second the zombie died; round over. Use your eyes and your brain...

    As for the map. Great idea! I love the idea and the map is great too. I like how a lot of things are interlocked. I also like the ramp.

    3.5/5 Now you may think this is a low score but i rarely give out 5/5 even to featured maps and 4/5 is pretty uncommon so 3.5/5 is still absolutely amazing I just go on a different rating system for personal reasons.
  10. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Looks like a lot of fun Batty. Im gonna have to get some people together to play this in the very near future. Fresh ideas = win. And you have gobs of em. Well done, Ill try and get back with some more feedback after I give it a go.
  11. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    If you play this game and think that it's too tough on the humans one thing you could do is set grenades to recharge. I didn't set the game up that way because It think it leads to mindless grenade spamming. But play it however you like.
    No, your rating is fine, I'll take it as a compliment. I mean, call my map garbage if you want, as long as your being honest and explain your problems with the game/map I'll appreciate the post.
    Yes, please, any feedback is great. I have this tendency to not playtest my maps as thoroughly as I should, so any feedback is great.

    Thanks for all the compliments so far.
  12. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    This looks like a new creative infection map.It seems and looks very clever.Its basic but with like 10ppl its probably very enjoyable.Nice work man.I didn't know you were premium?
  13. XI KuRuPt XI

    XI KuRuPt XI Ancient
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    Can the ghosts shoot the humans? or are they invincible also the map has a nice layout i don't really see anything wrong with it :)
  14. carbone1993

    carbone1993 Ancient
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    hmm after playing this I must say that its really NOt that fun

    -The humans are over powerd (plasma pistols that freezes the zombies ghost and it's to easy to stick the ghost because it gets stuck in places)
    -It's really difficult to maneuver the ghost around the map

    But this gameplay has potential, I'm really looking forward for the more open Avalanche version
  15. XI KuRuPt XI

    XI KuRuPt XI Ancient
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    Just had a game the gameplay is very fun and addicting, though the arena is kinda small for the ghosts just a few flaws

    1.Near the Grav lift elevator people can jump up near the fence wall and stick to the ceiling.

    2.People can sit on the Window Panel at the top of the elevator and the crane

    3.Ghosts can kill people by shooting them..which some noob always does .

    But if you're gonna make an avalanche version then you should'nt have those problems. I really like the layout if this map espicially the back part
  16. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    if you make a larger one on avalanche you've got my download. my que is full right now but i'll download later. this is like skate park except with ghosts. keep up the great work Battyman.
  17. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Played a game today with some of the ghosts (plus a couple others) in a party of about 10 or 12. It really was a lot of fun. You took a relatively simple idea and slapped it in an intricate map thats very replyable. Well done, sir. The only minor concern I had was when zombies respawn, at times its a trek to the next available ghost (through the back hallway). Im not sure if that's fixable or not, and it certainly wasn't a game breaker at all. Just something to think about. Grood stuff though Batty, as always.
  18. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Seems very creative. Very nice job on it, I hope I could play on this soon. It sucks that my cache is almost a hundred already so I'll do my best to try to delete some maps so that your could fit. 5/5
  19. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    Yeah, I snuck in while they were still doing featured map packs. Suckers.
    Thanks for the feedback. When I make another version of this map I'll try to give the Ghost more space to move.
    Thanks for the feedback. If you ever get stuck on a grav lift you can just crouch to detach yourself. And the Ghosts can shoot people if they want, I didn't intend for them not to.
    Thanks for this, Lightsout, the unnecessary distance between a zombie and his Ghost is a good point. I'll go ahead and add a two way telepoeter to the back rooms and update the map link.
  20. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    Great job i love the quarter pipe that the ghost is ridding on nice touch. I love them map, the game type is fun and most of all simple! Very nice job, very neat 4.5/5 from me!!

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