Hello, I have wanted to start getting my rank up and wanted to try MLG. Now I want to know any good strategies for MM in MLG. That's One Part. Now I also want to start making MLG maps for people to play/practice on. Now I have no clue about anything with MLG map making, spawns, and weapon placement. Also the map itself. So if you would be the kindest person(s) to give me lessons or that sort of thing would be greatly appreciated. +rep for whoever gives the most help! (Or Helps me the most). Thanks, HomieG54 aka xCoreGamerx GT: HomieG54
For rank, i really wouldn't suggest the MLG playlist to be honest. This is because MLG is at the highest level of competitive, and in any match you can get multiple Generals. I would suggest lone wolves or dubs as they are easier to get a higher rank in (a 50 in Dubs is like a 43 in any other playlist). MLG maps are also the hardest maps to forge. If they are symmetrical, almost all items need to be dead on and perfect. With a-symmetrical, the map must be extremely balanced or it will fail. Weapon placement is alot like any other map, power weapons/power-ups are evenly between team starting points, and anything you add to one side shall be added to the other. So i wouldn't recommend making MLG maps either, because it is such a challenge and it will help you and your team alot more to practice on the circuit forged maps or popular MLG forged maps (examples: Onslaught, Amplified, Triumph, Zenith, Hype, Lockdown, Hybrid, Conflict, Xyience (the list is very long, but those are some of the most popular). Easy ways to get better at MLG: -Master the BR on the sensitivity you are used to. Some people say you get the best BR on 1, yet you lose reaction time which can be very useful. You can have a good BR on any sensitivity, you just have to adjust to it and master it. For example, I used to play on 10 sensitivity. While I had a quick reaction time and a good BR, I still had a lot of room for improvement. Now I play on a 5, it is relatively easier to keep a steady BR, but now I lose more RBR's. Find what works best for you. But there is a balance. Too high and you fly all over the place, too low and you have a slow-ass reaction time. -learn the callouts, its simple, there are threads on MLGpro.com listing them but i dont have time to give a link. -Communication: actually using the ability to call out if you want to know anything else just PM me =)
You need to learn the maps; - Callouts - Weapon locations and spawn times - General strategies and placements. MLG is all about control, you need to place your team in a way that allows you to get the upperhand while not risking too much. You should always find your team apart from each other, but capable of supporting each other whenever it's needed. It all comes from experience, just start playing it and if you are prepared to learn you will.
Hey blanked can you send me the link of the call outs page/thread because I would really like them! They would be very beneficial.
Here are some tips. 1. Become Familiar with the BR. Know how far to lead them. Know how many burst per clip and so on. 2. Strafe This means going from side to side. Use long strafes and short ones. Mix it up to be unpredictable. Also crouch/jump to make the other person miss a shot. 3.Use the grenade BR combo. Toss 1 nade and 1 burst to the head is a kill. 4.Use Cover Use cover if you are about to die or there's more than one enemy. 5. Look behind you. Remember, there is no radar. Watch your surroundings so you can't get snuck upon. 6.Look Down IF you don't know where you are getting shot from, look down and run away. This makes it very difficult to get headshots for the enemy. I hope these helped.
To improve your individual skill, play a lot of FFA's, especially on maps other than Guaridan. This will help with general knowledge of the maps and help out your BR.
I could try and teach you some stuff over XBL, My GT is Qrangeremi or QuIgA iZ 12. Either, it doesn't matter. But bare in mind, I'm only a Colonel ;]
^ He's pro getaway man. I think the main thing you need to focus on is being more analytical about everything you do. Observe how others play, how you play, what each map promotes, what is effective one each map and what isn't. I will be playing some heavy customs this week for some montage clips, so i'll invite if your on.