Fight-4-Life Created by Ell3ment Supported Gametypes: -Slayer -Juggernaut -Oddball Map Description This close quarters style map is great for testing your skills against close range weapons, and with the 2x spawn on the sword and shotguns placed on the map it's a guaranteed bloodbath. _________________________________________________ Main Room (BR, Needler, Trip mine, and Overshield spawn room) Other Side of Main Room Side A (Spiker, plasma grenade, and regenerator spawn here) Side B (Plasma rifles, Plasma grenade, and power drain spawn here) Shotgun tunnel (on left) Pass-through (on right) both connect A to B Back hallway (Other side of hallway is mirror image) Sword in middle of hallway Adjacent hallway connecting both doors, mirrored on other side) BR and spike grenade spawn. _________________________________________________ Download MAP Fight-4-Life Good luck and try to stay alive. THANKS FOR ANYONE GIVING FEEDBACK HERE
I like the map, it is very clean and is pretty original. Now for me i dislike teleporters in competitive maps! Also the fact that they only lead to a camping weapon is not the grandest idea ever. Now you have a good amount of pics and that my friend makes a great post. The description, well the description is very very short. I want to know about your map from the creators standing! These are all things that you can improve on : the little things like making your boundaries cleaner and neater.... the walls in the first two pics! You can also merge things if you have time and patience like the open boxes to stop the bumps in gameplay. Now with your skill try making a more spread out and open map.... i would like to see you pull it off! You have the talent and the knowledge of "HOW" to post, but the post is still lacking. Sorry if I rambled! -Irish
When i first saw the map i was like..not another arena map this map is way more than that.You have fantastic geomerging and a nice layout.Good job looks fun for 1v1.
the map is nice... level out that spot w/ the staris... u may have to geo merge the stairs... and lower the passage way boxes so the floor part of them doesnt show... and add action pics... but that is mainly for looks... i trust u have tested this... nice layout and interlocking and geo merging and such tho... 4.5/5
i thought it was a very nie map 3.5/5 i woulda given you a 4.5 outta five but i didn't really like the idea of the hallway
The map looks really awesome. I do not get why you named this a random name for no reason. The map does looks good for 1v1 and you have some nice interlocking but like the guy on top of me said, the hallway is a bad idea, at least in my opinion. Hopefully, you can remove the hallway and add more sections to your map.