City of Darkwater (Map Pack)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Dj DiN, Nov 7, 2008.


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  1. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Download: Darkwater Map Pack


    The Story of Darkwater


    Map Description

















    Applicable game-types: Any (Team-based and FFA)

    Weapon or Equipment/ # of Item / # of Clips / Respawn time
    Sniper Rifle / x4 / 1 Clip / 3 Minutes
    Battle Rifle / x8 / 2 Clips / 30 Seconds
    Spiker / x4 / 2 Clips / 30 Seconds
    Mauler / x4 / No Clips / 90 Seconds
    Shotgun / x2 / 1 Clips / 2 minutes
    Sentinel Beam / x 2 / N/A / 2 Minutes (1 doesn't spawn at start)
    Rocket Launcher / x1 / 1 Clip / 3 minutes
    Spartan Laser / x1 / N/A / 3 minutes
    Frag grenade / x 4 / N/A / 10 Seconds
    Plasma Grenade / x8 / N/A / 10 Seconds
    Spike Grenade / x4 / N/A / 10 Seconds
    Power Drain / x2 / N/A / 60 Seconds
    Custom Power-ups / x2 / N/A / 3 Minutes (does not spawn at start)


    Applicable game-types: MLG game variants

    Weapon or Equipment/ # of Item / # of Clips / Respawn time
    Battle Rifle / x9 / 2 Clips / 30 Seconds
    Covenant Carbine / x2 / 2 Clips / 30 Seconds
    Mauler / x4 / 1 Clip / 2 minutes
    Plasma Grenade / x4 / N/A / 1 minute


    What is Spec-Op?: Spec-Op game variants were created by the Se7enth Legion for a new type of hardcore competitive gaming. Like MLG rules, Spec-Op (or SPEC) maps are symmetrical and have designated weapon sets.

    What are Spec-Op rules?:
    - No shields
    - No sensors
    - Player movement is increased to 110%
    - Player damage resistance is reduced to 50%
    - SMG/Magnum starting and secondary weapons
    - No grenades at start

    What weapons and equipment are allowed on Spec-Op maps?:
    (Weapon or equipment type / # of clips / minimum respawn time)
    - Magnum / 2 Clips / 30 seconds
    - SMG / 2 Clips / 30 seconds
    - Assault Rifle / 2 Clips / 90 seconds
    - Battle Rifle / 0 Clips / 90 seconds
    - Frag Grenades / N/A / 2 minutes
    - Flare (or Flash grenade) / N/A / 30 seconds

    Spec-Op game variants

    Weapon or Equipment/ # of Item / # of Clips / Respawn time
    Magnum / x8 / 2 Clips / 30 Seconds
    SMG / x 10 / 2 Clips / 30 Seconds
    Assault Rifle / x6 / 2 Clips / 90 Seconds
    Battle Rifle / x4 / No Clips / 90 Seconds
    Frag Grenade / x4 / N/A / 2 minutes
    Flare(Flash Grenade) / x2 / N/A / 30 Seconds


    This map is brought to you by the Se7enth Legion.
    #1 Dj DiN, Nov 7, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2008
  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    as i can see you have put like 20 hours on this project probley better than me good job 4/5 i love how you have like changed the map so it supports differnt gametypes
  3. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, I did put a lot of work into this map. It started out as an MLG map and eventually I decided to add the two other weapon sets. I do hope everyone gives Spec-op rules a try. I'm a fan of MLG and I wanted to make my own unique gametype and rules.
  4. dontknowme42

    dontknowme42 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OMg this looks amazing great post and the houses look like great objective points and they look so neat
    great layout
    the different maps i like the one with the little houses the most though :p

    i thought it was amazing

    d'ling will edit and review with game play
  5. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    initially all three maps use the same layout. All the structures remain the same, the only difference besides weapon sets is, in Darkwater there are more spawn points for Multi-Team combat. MLG Darkwater and SPEC Darkwater were not designed for Multi-Team (If you do use multiteam on either of those maps you may spawn outside the map. There is however a teleporter that will take you back should that occur). In Darkwater there are Custom Power up torches that will light 3 minutes after the match starts. In the MLG and SPEC versions, the custom powerups are replaced by reciever teleporters.
  6. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    he map is very nicely forged and has a great idea. Though you said that you wanted most of it to be destructible, but half of your map could move a couple of feet in most directions. This could fall on a weapon and then players cannot get it! Now the houses looks good. They look very fun for KOTH! On the little fence wall bridge, I would say putting a bubble shield would be smart. So, it seems that you need to add non-movable cover in the center, like a simple merged single or double box or something a little bit in the air!

  7. Domo kun FTW

    Domo kun FTW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map but I would have sealed they way out more :[
    But that still looks like alot of fun!! :p
  8. PheonixAssassin

    PheonixAssassin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im liking the waterfall alot very nice touch id like to make a map like this but with different designs i might just do that but overall very good map 4.5/5
  9. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys, I appreciate the feedback.

    Actually, KOTH was a big hit during testing. I would recommend turning off starting grenades.

    As far as I know, the map is unescapable.

    I intended to leave the map relatively open. I wanted to encourage more use of the back alleys where there is alot more cover. Of course, if you are feeling bold you can always try a frontal assault.
  10. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have not posted on FH recently, however after seeing the beautiful aesthetics in this map, i have been motivated to post.

    This Map must have taken hours to make, and get all those little things positioned correctly, it definitely paid off and looks really nice. I will download and give it a try.
  11. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I see you have alot of information in your post and you made it into a map pack which is nice.Nice description and pictures.The map looks pretty nice with some good interlocking.

    The only thing is that you should try to geomerge the bridge in the middle but overall nice map.From the pictures it deserves a 4/5
  12. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Damn vultures keep messing with the ratings.

    I considered geo-merging the bridge, but it would have been a ***** to get the pieces in evenly. Besides, you can walk quite fluidly over the bridge. If it ain't broke, why fix it?

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